To be honest, I actually kinda dislike the 3 spawn limit in ground arcade and naval modes. It just feels… Restraining I guess.
Likewise I also think the air arcade style of “spawn as many times as you have crew slots for” is a bit too over the top chaotic. (Plus favours pay2win people who buy a bunch more crew slots and then gold them all up levels)
I feel the ground RB spawn system is a bit of a happy medium, it gives you a bit of leeway but punishes reckless play.
Im sure it could use some improvements but Im overall not too unhappy with the mechanic itself.
Honestly after hearing reason after reason why people 1 death leave, only for gaijin to fix that reason, and it to not change peoples behaviour, I think the biggest reason people do is simply because they just want to play one specific vehicle and thats it.
Things like maps and balancing no one is ever going to agree on 100%, so changes that may satisfy one person and make him one death leave less, may frustrate another and cause them to start one death leaving matches they previously wouldnt.
That would be a lot better, it would allow you to actually use your full lineup while still having a hard limit and not knowing how many endless backups this enemy you are fighting is going to keep spawning.
Because rewards scale by vehicle time alive, not player presence in the match.
Added bonus:
I get a battlepass task to get kills with a heavy tank/SPAA/SPG. Forming complete line-ups that are at the same BR with these vehicles is next to impossible for what vehicles I own and in what nations.
If I just want to get the battlepass over with and I played a match, didn’t get all the BP-required kills before dying… What’s the fastest solution? Respawn in a medium/light tank and play without any progress towards the BP task or ODL and go next.
Go next, as crew lock has no effect when you’re just trying to get the kills in a specific vehicle class ASAP so that you can actually play the game mode or vehicles you actually want.
The way the battlepass system is designed is absolutely and utterly atrocious for promoting team-play and competitive gameplay.
I think my issue is that it’s a snowball effect, if you lose the first main fight, the enemy team gets the capture SP, the assist and kill SP, the defensive and the other team needs to spend more SP to respawn and go on the offensive.
Plus good players are barely affected by the SP system whilst bad players are punished and not allowed to respawn, whilst more people respawning is better for everyone as it also extends games and increases rewards.
The CAS cost is also low and easily earned back, making the cost irrelevant.
With a fixed cost every spawn has importance and value, every kill has value and you get to balance vehicles more by SP.
If i want to keep playing i do. It means i would have to work line ups to figure out how to get the most out of the sp. Not to mention that the cost change with up/down tiers.
Would be annoying to have a lineup that uses the 1k sp well but gets skrewed over in a down tier or leaves sp left over in an up tier.
Your system will have a snowball effect too. Just a bit different. A lot of people will first spawn cas and wipe the ground. Then you will get a mix of people rage quiting from getting nuked in the first 30 secs by a plane and people leaving once they cant spawn cas anymore. Whoever wins the air war, snowballs from the other team rage quiting.
Up or downtier shouldn’t have to affect it anyways, it’s dumb enough you get screwed out of rewards because you happen to be top BR so all your kills are worth less.
A lot of people will first spawn cas and wipe the ground.
You could easily prevent that by making air something you have to earn the same was as in arcade, opposed to a cap and bail.
I personally like GABs simply because it means that everyone has perfectly equal chances. AAB is just nice due to the sheer chaos, and it means that you can see a lot more variety of planes.