Different spawn system for GRB

What if it started with a fixed pool of lets say a 1000 spawn points, and you could not earn anymore?

Meaning you can’t endlessly spawn as a good player and chain CAS or helicopters, and you’re not forced to leave early as a new/bad/unlucky player for running out of points.

A tank could be a 100 SP so you could spawn 10 tanks, high performing tanks can be further balanced by increases their SP cost and bad vehicles can be cheaper to spawn to compensate.

A clean fighter could be 200 SP, and every bomb or missiles should have a fixed SP cost based on size, a Pe-8 bomb could be 500 SP, a smaller bomb could be 50, but if you bring 10 of those that’s also 500 SP.

Obviously the numbers would need some consideration but you get the idea.

I just think the current system is nonsense when for a lot of people the system means nothing as they generally earn more than enough to spawn what they want until the end of the game, it also just means you never know how many spawns they have left.

Arcade has the better spawn system by actually limiting your spawn, if you get 3 kills you have effectively removed a player from the game, in RB 3 kills means nothing if they guy respawns 6 times.
And if you die you lose a third of your available vehicle, so every vehicle matters.


In that case, drones need to be reworked or removed, they are 750SP. There is not really any point spawning them, I think they are just there as a revenge mechanic and can still be very easily shot down. The end result is that It does not give an overall beneficial contribution to the team.

I don’t get why those drones are even in the game, free kills from 8km away is stupid, but they could just be tied to kill streaks, again no idea why arcade has better mechanics for that where you actually have to earn artillery and such and in RB it’s just a free button for whatever reason.

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CAS for people that dont grind air, though they should have simply implemented naval’s system.

I’ll vote for the removal of drones, even the scout ones needs to go, it ruins sneaking around and break stealth.

Why would they give them a free drone when they can sell them premiums tho.

Play SB and find how it works out.

Doesn’t Sim make you pay for respawns in air? And I stopped playing Sim when they relied heavily on arbitrary designations that gave my Panther tanks 2 spawns but my Tiger only 1 because it was counted a heavy.

Ground SB doesn’t.

Wow… this suggestion is terrible and would lead to less rewards as well as more one death leaving.
So no…

The spawn point system is great because it lets players earn more rewards the more vehicles they have to use.


Can you explain why that would lead to that?

Considering their sp cost doubles after every spawn, if they are respawning them, they probably deserve it.

We wouldnt need a new overall sp system for this. I want something like this for the current system. Each bomb/missile is sp. No point for people to take 1 bomb when 6 cost the same sp.

That is at most 3 spawns, and at 3 frags that’s slightly more RP than an air RB match with 1 frag.
Ground RB is unique in where you can spawn 5+ times and earn boat loads of rewards, your system wouldn’t allow that. In-fact, your system is ground sim and ground arcade effectively.

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Considering their sp cost doubles after every spawn, if they are respawning them, they probably deserve it.

With scouting you can spawn a pretty cheap first plane, and with how potent they are, they can easily recoup the cost, and I haven’t checked in a long time but doesn’t the cost only apply to a plane of the same type?

We wouldnt need a new overall sp system for this. I want something like this for the current system. Each bomb/missile is sp. No point for people to take 1 bomb when 6 cost the same sp.

The current system is a joke, how expensive an AP belt is compared to a fully loaded CAS plane with minor differences between small and big bombs, of which the impact is further diminished by the fact they get an air spawn so any issue with weight is gone.

How is that 3 spawns when even with my randomly chosen numbers that’s 10 tanks, it just means everyone will be able to spawn more often because they’re not limited by their performance and balance doesn’t snowball to the team that wins the first engagement that now has a massive SP advantage.

No, people spawn more with how ground RB is currently.
Your system is a hard limit and is an arcade game mode suggestion due to not being realistic as well.

What about removing SP entirely and letting players spawn as much as they can?


Given the latest push of 10.3 Osa’s giving almost if not every nation a decent SAM with an 8KM range, they’re just about entirely worthless as you’ll be in SAM range and likely dead before your hellfire gets to target.

Not really any different than the current system in terms of realism.

Both have hard limits and lack realism. It’s still a video game.

If they could ever figure out how to properly BR and balance nations, I would really like this as it would ensure I have a never ending number of aircraft to feast on.