[Development] Discussing reports related to the Challenger 2 MBT

Not going to bother reading it, if its anything like the Abrams hull armor devblog, then it isn’t worth reading.

Gauging from the replies, it would appear that Chally is also suffering from not being in service of a government whose development of “passport irregularities” due to unfavorable representation of MoD equipment would likely follow and affect a sizeable portion of the staff. (if not all.)

yea, a supermarket chain here in portugal changed its hq to holland because of taxes.

i mean, a dutch company, according to you.


Companies don’t have friends or family.
You aren’t a company.
This subject is off-topic.
Gaijin is not beholden to Russian law and hasn’t for over 5 years.
Strv 122 and 2A7V are the best tanks in the game, and Gripen is THE best jet in the game.
None are Russian.
You are pulling those winrate stats out of the air, they don’t exist. And if they did, it’s an indicator of team skill not vehicles.
Yak-141 receiving KIKKA and VB1002 treatment is normal.

Challenger 2 improving based on new information is normal.


And aren’t overperforming in game compared to their IRL counterparts… (in some cases, they’re underperforming.)

Unlike say… ERA armor that is claimed to provide up to 40% APDSFS penetration reduction under the most ideal circumstances being given 250mm RHA as a baseline minimum defense.

They exist on Thunderskill. (And while those are definitely not perfect, they’re certainly higher quality than the “none.” anywhere else.)

And yet somehow the Abrams top tier tank from 2008 with weight simulators for testing cannot represent a protection increase in the tank because we don’t have any (inadmissable) classified documents to declare that it did…

(I love how you won’t mention Helicopters because there’s absolutely no way you can even try to spin or muddy the waters to say “no Russian bias.”)


Yeah no main battle tanks in-game are over-performing.
Thunderskill is anecdotal.
There is no substantial weight gain from M1A2 to SEP2 like there is from M1A1 to M1A1HC/M1A2.
However, the weight increase that does exist COULD be slightly more armor in hull and/or turret but that’s not confirmed at this time.

Ka-52s firing faster TOW-2s doesn’t interest me.
Anyone that thinks a 10km fast TOW-2 is anywhere as big a threat to them as fixed-wing CAS needs to re-evaluate their opinions.


Is this sarcasm? I just want to make sure this isn’t sarcasm before I spend the time picking it apart.

SEP didn’t gain much net weight because it lost weight in digitizing the electronics, shedding some 1-2 tons just in that (There’s a reason digital electronics weigh less than their old analog counterparts.)


Didn’t know VIKHR is top attack.

It’s just amazing how you manage to pretend like literally twice as fast beam riding atgm with 50% more penetration and almost 3 times longer range isn’t signifigant…

You are such an obvious troll.

Yeah let’s just suddenly switch to fixed wing cas as you couldn’t come up with more bullshit to defend it against other helicopters.

I just love how we have to go through this same shit literally every time you comment anything.


It’s part of their cyber-doctrine: Obfuscate, Confuse, Deceive.

It’s why you’ll often see them making comments suggesting they are a patriotic american, because that surely means they couldn’t be in favour of Russian Bias. Then if you say Russian stuff is overperforming, they’ll somehow try to say that you’re promoting Russian equipment as superior.

Seen and experienced it too many times with this particular character.

They also abuse the flagging system.


Indeed, that’s why I just developed the standardized response for when they state something so unbelievably obtuse and counter to reality that I would feel like I’m teaching my 5 year old if I start explaining a basic concept to them.

This saves my sanity, and it’s delightfully wordy for quoting.

I state identical takes as all my fellow bug reporters & researchers and I get attacked.
I defend & want Challenger 2 to be accurate… I get attacked.
Just lol
And apparently defending Challenger 2 is defending Russia…
Then I’m the one provoking even though I never once made a hot take in these conversations.

Me: Challenger should be fixed. I’ll defend NATO.
“That’s provocative!”

TOW-2s and Viks both have 800mm of pen and a similar 5kg warhead.
Also Rooivalk remains the best helicopter, complimented by Challengers.

Can’t buy it anymore


Now matter how often Razervon changes their name, the tactics remain the same


Yeah, it’s sad.
Definitely was a sleeper heli.
Which proves more than anything that Ka-50s today are almost all legacy purchasers.

@Lord_Prism Zero times really.
My sincerity & desire for impartiality will remain the same.

I got it just before it went it is nice

So now you’re even denying you changed your name?

I remember when trolling meant something.


Z-10 has same range and the strongest AA missiles in the game, Tiger and A129 have Spike ERs, Ka 52 has 12 vihkirs plus radar, hell I would probably even prefer Tiger UHT over it even if it has only 7km in range.

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Fire and forget is very nice on those


Ka-52 requires aiming for weakspots, but it’s good once you’re consistent at that.

Man you literally have the worst takes I’ve ever seen on this forum, i genuinely question if you even play the game.


All of my takes are from experts or when they don’t exist in the area I found something in, myself.
I’ve played every non-F&F helicopter and saw the devastation of TIGER UHT back in the day.

So yeah, if you think my takes are bad, don’t watch skilled CC videos.