[Development] Discussing reports related to the Challenger 2 MBT

also you state the game was made to be balanced and then agree it isnt…

I said the developers intentions, as they have stated them, is to be competitively balanced, not realistic.

I said “do not expect an impenetrable mantlet” because the proposed bug fix would give the Chally a mantlet that according to it’s author would provide about 700mm effective thickness vs KE, which would effectively make it an impenetrable mantlet. Unless you’ve said I don’t support it being that thick/capable, and you’re advocating for that change, you are in fact expecting a 700mm protection value for the mantlet.

I’m being quite respectful to you and everyone else, I treat others the way I’d like to be treated.

Now lets get back to discussing the Challenger 2 instead of your feelings about my comments and replies to you.

Though I feel that is always a bit of a dubious statement. Especially as we have no idea what they consider “competitive”. Heck we had Tornado F3 vs F-16C and Mig-29G/SMT for 3 months. and was fighting 12.0s for the 6 months before that


A lot of the time it will kill someone. But quite often it only damages them, and sometimes it doesn’t even damage them.

with any of the challengers it’s impossible to shoot anywhere that doesn’t kill at least one 100% of the time.


And in the CR2, if you werent one-shotted out right, you were very lucky

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The entire thing is amorphous. Gaijin would do itself a world of good if they just came out and said:

“We have a creative vision for War Thunder that balances competition with realism to deliver a product we think the majority of our audience will appreciate. Sometimes this results in mismatches and unbalanced gameplay. So long as we can find a way to fix it for the good of the majority of players, we seek to do so. We take creative inspiration from bug reports sent to us by the community, but we will almost never implement them with full fidelity, for the sake of maintaining balanced gameplay. We will always try to explain this to you when it happens. This may not be the game for sim-heads, but for those who want something that isn’t entirely RNG dependent, with great graphics and an active community, we’re the game for you!”

Britain mostly suffers from neglect, whereas the US suffers from being the most popular tree/and being bound to competitive balance(all of us American players with fat wallets). It’s sad really to see some people hunt as hard as they do for the perfect bug report, when I know, full well, that the real reason the US doesn’t have DU inserts in the Abrams is that if it did, it would become a menace for ALL nations, not just the USSR. People keep forgetting we don’t have a geopolitical matchmaker mode in this game, and you are only as good as your weakest player. I’ll admit it took me getting the T-90M to realize it didn’t matter how well my tank was modelled, but how poorly the other tanks were modelled.

The T-80BVM panic many players experienced can occasionally be experienced by other USSR players (I’ve had only 2 USSR split teams in 364 consecutive login days), but the Leo 2A7V/Strv 122(+) panic is now truly a thing. DU Abrams would give the same experience. Maybe it’s just me, but that panic suggests a need for a BR increase.


That has always been 1 area i’ve been cosntantly annoyed by as a Brit main.

I will fully accept something being realisitcally modeled and not amazing
I will fully accept that Britain might have more limited choices for things to be added

but in most conversations with other nations, especially US mains (especially in the lead up to the addition of the F-15) there just seems to be this expectations that they should be the best. Quite a few suggested that the Gripen should be nerfed through the floor just because the F-15 is meant to be better or failing that, the F-15 should be at 11.3. It was kinda insane. (I fear for the state the Typhoon is going to be in or what it will have to face , just to keep the US/USSR mains happy)

But yeah, Britain just needs a hell of a lot of love. New vehicles, bug fixes, upgrades where appropriate, etc.

A lot of our stuff is so badly gimped its actually scary. Just need to spend 5 minutes looking at the Tornados for a good picture of that. Not even the Flight models are finished for them and its only been 13 months. Still uses placeholder code which is underperforming

No one i’ve spoken to about the Challenger 2 wants it OP, or even truly competitive, we just want playable and fun and it just seems its destined to not be either of those things because “Britian is a minor nation, therefore must suffer” mentatility of the wider community.

There is a lot that could be done. Even just the ending of the CODification of the GRB maps and restore maps with longer range elements, would do a world of good for the Challenger 2s. Which are best suited for that gameplay


If I remember correctly they drove over a tank mine or 2 and then the crew fire bombed it to keep it from the Russians. So yes Russian mines but not a kill in the sense of warthunder or tank vs tank or even tank vs missile

Kornet hit the turret like a day later and detonated the ammo. Turret lifted enough to no longer be seated in the hull. AFAIK it still hasn’t been recovered, as pictures of it from a few months ago were still on telegram.

There’s also reports that another one was destroyed, but that didn’t get recorded, and was probably recoverable as British MOD has been desperate to have the Chally’s recovered no matter the cost to the Ukrainians.

if it didn’t get recorded it’s likely not true, lots of fabrications floating around even from official sources

The SU 27 might have 4 - 6 of the best radar missile in the game, but it’s useless when everyone hugs the ground explicitly to prevent being radar missiled lol. Plus with the Gripen you actually have the countermeasures to make a ER mean nothing up high too

The ground being this effective agaonst top tier radars is already fiction. In general radar modelling in war thunder is egregiously bad

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No actual proof of another chally being destroyed, no footage, no nothing, which is extremelly uncommon with the massive prevalence of drones. The fact the chally took an at mine without vaporazing the crew is hell of alot more than ehatever any soviet tank would do.

ahhh thats what i’m thinking of, thank you for correcting me

Especially top spaa’s that have anti ground clutter filters. I do find it hilarious that a low flying helicopter will cause a Gerpard’s radar tracking to go haywire… Meanwhile irl it’s locking and shooting down things the size of the scout drones not possible in game XD that’s why I’ve basically stopped using radar tracking altogether on spaa’s.

Gaijin isn’t a Russian company… Lmafo!? You buy into that technicality loooooooool!?

None of their offices are in Russia, and nearly all their employees work in the EU if not all, they also pay to move employees to their locations… in the EU.
I trust the EU more than Russian law; you might not.

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Yeh ok mate and me driving a German car in England now makes it British right? I don’t buy that whole we’re no longer Russian bs.

The difference is i don’t trust anyone. Especially gaijin

No i don’t. It’s clear that gaijin doesn’t respect us, so there is literally zero reasons for me to respect them.

Respect is earned and can be also lost.