MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

Why are you interfering something that has none of your business?

İ basically told him he misunderstood that part and he realized that.

Stop acting like a drama Queen.

OK, after catching up with this topic, i deem it a mess in its current state and in leaving untill it calms down, see you all around

Dude that is the literal definition of gaslighting…


Apparently that’s the buzzword of today…
No one is gaslighting.

You are inadvertently gaslighting.


What I did was be a little hyperbolic. @Kanelikainalo
There, now you know the words to use for next time I be a bit too hyperbolic, cause I’ve been reducing my hyperbolic tendencies for the last year thus far & continuing to do so.

Definition of gaslighting for you: “Gaslighting is the action of repetitively (and often brazenly) lying to someone to manipulate, and ultimately control them and the relationship.”
I will remain sincere & honest, and ultimately I don’t want to seriously impact your lives in any manner.

“A little”… LMFAO

" Gaslighting is the action of repetitively (and often brazenly) lying to someone to manipulate, and ultimately control them and the relationship. It could be divided into four different types: outright lying, manipulation of reality, scapegoating and coercion. Often the experience is a combination of these four types and not just limited to one of them."

Which is exactly what you do on every single thread.


Exaggerating information is a form of misinformation, to which you are constantly feeding them whether intentionally or not. Intentionally or not, this is gaslighting them into thinking something is what it is not. Let’s not play semantics, there is no argument currently ongoing in this thread that is useful towards fixing the issue at hand.


Mach 3.5 instead of 2.3 and 30G overload instead of 20 allowing to counter modern aircrafts (sustained 9G manoeuvers at low altitude) ; 8km range reached in 10.3 secondes.

comes from this topic: ( Mistral Missile Underperforming Max G-Load - Documented Helicopter Reports - War Thunder - Official Forum

what follows is even more interesting as it states that the principle is the same as the magic II (that is 40G and not 35g like IG) so there’s no reason the mistral can’t reach magics level of maneuvrability.


I forgot I was doing hyperbole and I apologize.
Habits are hard to break, and it’ll be completely broken before the end of next year as it usually takes me less than 24 months to break a verbal habit.

I’ll edit out hyperbole from my posts when I see it.
Progress at one post at a time.

Do any sources actually matter anymore? If the official, unclassified, verifiable, and true sources say it’s X and you choose not to implement it then why bother with a massive TL:DR post trying to explain away you’re own preferences. It’s just insulting the community at this point.

It’s the same kind of insanity regarding Russian ERA designed to beat chemical munitions adding 250+ mm of Kinetic protection when the ERA block is only 20mm thick. Where most NATO ERA at maximum provide 30-50mm of additional kinetic protection because that’s the usual physical thickness of the ERA block.

I can understand changes for game balance reasons (looking at you M1 KVT premium getting down-gunned to 105mm from 120mm) but completely disregarding what can clearly be identified in written documents in favor of what you “feel” given recent interactions with the community is just dumb. The community can come together to give you sources and verifiable proof (not the classified kind, for the love of god stop that you guys). But if you are intending to just ignore us why bother communicating at all?

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Editing your last comments to make yourself look better is not progress. It’s lying and actively making us look worse on purpose.


AFAIK, Contact 5 is specifically designed to counter kinetic rods. It is a Soviet/Russian counter design. The West didn’t design ERA like that, because they have no reason for it. They needed to counter HEAT primarily. So this is historically accurate.

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You always talk as if youre representing some big group but i never see anyone liking your messages…


I implore you to delete or edit your own replies to those comments then.
Cause when I edit a post it’s purely to fix a mistake and that edit is an admission of my mistake, which is almost always some word missing that caused misunderstanding, and sometimes hyperbole.

My only intention when editing my own posts is to portray myself as accurately as possible.
I’m a simple high functioning autistic man that has no time for malice.

I see people liking the exact same opinions I shared, so it’s still a win to me.
I don’t care really if I’m disliked, I only care if people attack others in threads that cause derailments.

This is about MANPADS, I woke up to over 5 people talking about me instead of the MANPADS I want improved.
You can rightfully dislike my hyperbole, and I dislike it too.
You gotta admit my stances are in-line with the community almost always even if I’m foolish sometimes & state hyperbole.

We have to focus on improving Stingers and improving the game itself instead of being mad at others.

I don’t care enough to pretend i’m better than i actually am.

Sure doesn’t seem like that to me.

So to me it seems you are said derailment like literally everyone has been saying here.



I honestly think that’s describing dead on what’s been happening. They just didn’t consider a bit more thoroughly what the hell they were actually doing :D

I can only repeat what I did for the past 7 years. The development needs what we call in the industry “some proper f***ing standards” and a clear rulebook by which these standards can be applied to new evidence as well as changed if they turn out to be not adequate - but only then.


What alwis is doing right now is derailing the thread to make it full of off topic arguments so the real information that was posted earlier will be harder to find.


The people I usually see liking messages are a group attacking one person (who may or may not be right). In this case Alvis is not in the wrong… he just took a method I personally wouldn’t have to engage with the issue.

You and the people “liking” the posts are derailing him further. Leave it be.

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