It’s really a shame, I had spent the last few days grinding the last of the light tank line to get it, and I’m stuck with roughly a 2:3 K:D ratio (though that includes the stock grind) (for context, my K:D at this tier is usually about 2:1. My stats wouldn’t tell you that, but believe it or not I’ve gotten better at the game over time. Look at my record in the Christian II for example).
It’s just a worse M3A3 Bradley at the same BR. No CITV, no elevated missile launcher for hull down, and of course worse round for the 25mm. Worse optics than the Bradley as well. Yes mobility is better, but when considering the play style of these vehicles it’s not that big of a deal. You also have some composite skirts but let’s be honest they’re completely useless, even against HEAT rounds.
Not to mention the pretty drastic drop off of the TOWs, you need a considerable amount of clearance to fire them without them smacking the dirt.
Of course, it’s still usable. I very nearly got a nuke in it (~2470 SP before somebody dropped their own nuke). But overall the experience has been less than enjoyable.
italy moment, the only positive side of the Italian IFVs is that they have a very rapid cannon, the problem is that if you don’t pierce, you can shoot as much as you want but there is no damage…
Without knowing anything about either round, I’d assume it’s because M919 isn’t available for export or something. We have PMB 090 in Japan and Italy, though, so maybe that round gets exported or something.
Either way, it takes the bad aspects of both the Dardo’s and the Bradley’s guns and puts them into one.
You saw the billion of threats complaining about fox and want another useful rapid fire ? No no no, there are only 2 nations allowed to have fun with them, Russia and Sweden
When the Fox was dropped, tons of bad players complained about it showing up behind them, dumping 30mm APDS into their rear and killing them with only a few rounds.
I’d even seen some demand that it go up from the old BR (7.0 or 7.3) to 10.0 in one jump. Because it bullied their King Tiger/Jumbo pershing/IS-whatever.
Sweden? They also suffer because of too small size of ammo ready rack&too slow speed for filling ammo ready rack.
Or they also have slow RPM of automatic cannon- CV9030FIN, CV9035DK.
9040C, 9040 … Bill ? And lvkv 9040 ( spaa i don’t really know names ) are damn great ( most of the time ). At that br you have Bradley, dardo, dardo vc, the new warrior, the Japanese dardo ? Pretty much all useless with thermal 1 and 116 max pen.
My brain erase some stuff but basically its something like that
Have you tried a stock XM800T? Complete garbage. Yes it’s fast. But it’s kind of “sluggish fast”. The gun can’t pen shit (the only things I can deal with are italian cars and 906s) without APDS and there are tanks almost as fast as you and the only thing you can do that gives actual rewards, capping, is a lot of times impossible before a fast medium you have no hope of ever hurting will get to your position and kill you.
Well, feels like the “suffer” was too radical expression for Swedish vehicles with 40mm main gun. Sorry.
But “Bradley, dardo, dardo vc, the new warrior, the Japanese dardo” have ATGM.
And 9040 Bill? I didn’t ride that vehicle, but I also know it has ATGM with good automatic cannon- so you may say it is OP.
Im quite disappointed in desert warrior, i really enjoy normal warrior and fox, and fox gave my first nuke and then few more, i used it with my 8.3 line up and brits play alot against german tanks at 8.3 = 9.3 and they are very easy to destroy, xm800t at 8.3 not stock is also amazing.
So after fun with xm800t i went research desert warrior.
Stock desert warrior is tragic, but i was telling myself with unlocked rockets and better main gun ammo it will be better, it wasnt.
After spading DW it wasnt tragic anymore, it was bad, with max uptiers with my 10.3 line up, and i saw barely anyone else was playing desert warrior, days without seeing anyone else.
You cant play it as rat like xm800t or fox.
Its too slow to get fast to good position, surviving anything is miracle.
Zoom on main gun at this tier is tragic, main gun, i cant penetrate most things im playing against even from side or turret side and they were close and in perfect angle , if i damage transmission or engine its also miracle. Maybe i can destroy enemy barrel before he turns his turret to me (laughing hard).
And now i read that on dev server he had better main gun ammo.
And im only using it in 10.3 cuz there is no scout vehicle at 10.0-10.3. im even using VFM5 9.3 light tank so i can scout stuff at 10.3+ and i had waaaaaay more success with VFM5 at 10.3+.
Probably my biggest issue with the desert warrior is the horrific state of the armour protection on it - why is the 150mm of composite on the LFP weaker than the 70mm composite screens on the UFP and sides? Not to mention that the composite screens on the side fall off whenever they’re shot for whatever ridiculous reason.
I cant believe how slow it is, has the same HP as the warrior, presumably the same gearbox and the same armour even weighs similar 4t difference. Yet even upgraded it doesn’t turn, it struggles up hills and you cant flank because you are so slow!
Does anyone know if there are bug reports with the transmission? Did they really have to boot Britain right in the bollocks with every near top tier vehicle we get?
he is British, but it was to understand that Italy and the British have common problems and to underline even if he has a good rate of fire the Italian counterpart can still do little about it (perforation)