Decompressing Top Tier Air

Flight performance. The Viggen is heavier than an F-15 with one engine, and an older delta design. It alsy retains energy the worst of all jets above 11.0.

It has to be played like a draken

Also I’ve faced the MiG-21 Bison in full uptiers from 11.3 and those R-27Rs and R-73s on a MiG-21 airframe are no joke

R27R is kinda a joke (about as good as 7F so not bad but nowhere near R27ER) but those R73s yeah those are potent at that br for sure

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They’re slightly worse than Mirage 2000C4’s loadout.

ARH missiles do not belong below 12.7.

They just don’t.


wym? i love the thought of facing amraams with a spo-15 (oh wait)

but also no seriously jets cant even detect amraams most of the time at that point


ngl it’s impossible to decompress top tier until they stop adding more modern and modern planes and instead spend some time backfilling all the trees with variants that then can be decompressed.


In a WVR fight, it will loose to an F-16 or Mig-29 most of the time and it has an exceptionally weak RWR. It also has no IRCCM missiles

All plane with ARH, should go in another tier.


Now argue that Vautour and F3H should be 10.7 since “radar missiles don’t belong at 8.3 and 9.0”.

AIM-54s aren’t AMRAAMs.

There is a far broader range of performance between ARH slingers than you think. Sea Harrier FA2, Viggen DI and F-14A are at the bottom of the pack and probably overall weaker than the top performing SARH/IR slingers like the F-15A, Mig-29G, Gripen A and Su-27. Even the stronger ARH carriers like the F3 Late, ICE, F-14B, etc are barely stronger than them and only under certain conditions. In most others, Id consider them equal.

There will always been an overlap between these aircraft, just like how there is an overlap between gun fighters and missiles fighters, Sub-sonics and supersonics. Flares and flareless. even props vs jets

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There’s a clear gap between missiles equivalent to a 9B/9E but SARH, versus ones that will always have the range advantage against lower BR planes.

Do not recompress the game and make the F-14 dominate.


There’s a clear gap between AIM-54/Fakour-90 and AMRAHMs vs ones that have range and guidance advantage over AIM-90Bs.

Decompression is not recompression.
The F-14A IRIAF is already decompressed, that fact will not change no matter how much coping occurs.

This is the worst decompression proposal i have ever seen

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Currently F-15E could go 14.7 no problem

Mig-21 Bison 12.7??? LOL cant take you seriously didint even read the rest of it. Try be realistic little bit.

Current Bison, without R-77 can go 12.7 or 13.0 max.

You know what you right and with R-77 it has to be 14.0

Yeah, for R-77 at real minimum 13.7 as a 3rd gen being armed with Fox-3 (alike F4F KWS being 13.7 in the proposed decompression)