Decompressing Top Tier Air

This is looking even more compressed and nerfing planes for 0 reason. Also some planes getting random huge buffs in BR?


Yeah forgot about the HMD and 700 countermeasures

Could received RVV-AE and BR 13.0

Included MiG-29 9-12B (HuAF) and MiG-29 9-13 (USSR)

R-60 replace with R-73/R-73E but lose R-27ER/R-27ER1

Up to 13.3 and RB 99 to replace RB 71 but lose RB 74 (M).

F-16A Block 15 ADF from italy & USA tech tree increased BR to 13.3

  • ITA F-16A ADF : AIM-7M replace with AIM-120B and received AIM-9L/I-1

  • ANG F-16A ADF : could received AIM-9M & AIM-120B

IAF F-15A Baz lose AIM-9M but decrease BR to 12.7

Su-27S and J-11 Flanker-B still 13.0

Except F-16A Block 10 from france tech tree battle rating 13.0

Unchange battle rating

Removed R-27T1, R-27ER1 & R-27ET1. and reduced BR to 12.7

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im not joking when i think air RB should stretch to BR20.0 because early jets care just as compressed at top tier. would also help clean up lower tier props as so many planes cant grind bases because of Wyverns or will just be obliterated by a spitfire no matter what they try

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You put Su27 at a higher BR than the F-15A which makes no sense, otherwise I don’t mind this too much

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all of the jet tiers are screwed up right now
the F-104.ASA is for some reason at 12.0, when it doesn’t get its AIM-9Ms, or its ECM. it does not really have the performance to justify it, nor does it have the weapons systems.

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The amount of missiles it gets

Doesnt make it that good in comparison, its an equivalent to f15a

It can carry 6 SARH missiles being R-27ERs which are otherworldly compared to the 4 Aim-7Ms the F-15A carries.

I’m aware. It’s only an F-15A equivalent though as someone who has spaded both. You’re mentioning the upsides without mentioning the massive downsides.

I’m halfway through spading the F-15A as of right now

That’s pretty reasonable

12.3 should be Mig-21 Bison and F-14A.
The rest are fine.
12.7 should be F-14A IRIAF, and the rest you listed.
13.0 should be Viggen D, Sea Harrier, F-14B, and Kfir C10.
13.3 should be F-15A/J, Mig-29G, JAS39A, F-15A, Su-27, Su-33.
13.7 should be F-16C/AM, Tornado F3, F-4F ICE.
14.3 should be Rafale, Typhoon, F-15C/E/I/JM/BM.

I’m just saying I’ve spaded both recently and at no point does the su27 feel like it belongs higher than f15, the missile count/potency is the main advantage for having an otherwise mediocre FM and astoundingly poor avionics

oh, and only 96 CMs which is felt most games

The F-15A and the Gripen A from what I’ve experienced absolutely suffer against the Fox-3 slingers

All of the things you listed at 13.3 do not have access to Fox-3s and your ranking them above aircraft that actually have fox-3s. The Viggen is a very good airframe

F-15A just needs to play semi-conseratively and rely more on assisting teammates rather than being the all-star itself. It’s a playstyle you have to learn for any plane that cant press an immediate advantage of some sort. Your sparrows still get kills on anybody not notching/multipathing within 10km and your 9Ms still do great if you can get within range. The FM is also pretty forgiving with the only problem being if you try to one circle people (and even then it can work against some targets depending on circumstance)

not at 13.0

Anything that’s skill related should not be talked of.
Viggen is the worst airframe at 13.0 currently, it’s worse than the F-104S and is a higher BR.
Fox-3 is not a win button, it’s an IR missile that’s defeated in different ways.

Worse than the F-104S in terms of what?