Decompressing Top Tier Air

12.7 to 14.0 needs some major decompression as most of these aircraft suffer against Fox-3s. Do you guys think this would be good
12.7 Aircraft: MiG-21 Bison, MiG-29 (9.12), Yak-141, F-14A, F-16A, F-16A ADF, F-20A
13.0 Aircraft: F-14A IRIAF, F-15A, F-15J, JAS39A, MiG-29G
13.3 Aircraft: AV-8B Plus, SU-27, SU-33
13.7 Aircraft: F-4F KWS LV, F-16A OCU, JA37DI, Tornado F.3
14.0 F-14B, F-16C, JAS39C, MiG-29SMT, Mirage 2000-5, F-16AM
14.3 Aircraft: F-15C, F-15E, SU-27SM, SU-34
14.7 Aircraft: EF-2000, Rafale

Feel free to add anything, tell me if I’m missing something, or if my list is a horrible take.


The whole game need decompression. Not just top tier


True but the top tier experience is absolutely abysmal right now and this is all I have time to come up with.

Tbh I wish they never added ARH. Just imgaine how much better the gameplay would be


For real the game was never ready for it but it’s too late to remove them now so we have to work around it


It would be nice, but the word decompression is usually forgotten in this game


But what do you add instead?

Leave nations like Britain with just the Tornado F3? and never add a single new top tier jet ever again?


Britain has the Eurofighter and gripen

I thing the grippen and eft would be pretty capabel in an Ir meta.

Both of which use AMRAAM

The last time it happened the playerbase was very, verry happy.
But it didn’t exactly last long.
A new decompression is needed with the spam of new high tier jets.
Props and early jets seems to be ignored


They should never have added them like never. Whether its historical or not.

R-27ER would still rain supreme in BVR. Fighting an Su-27 slinging 8 R-27ERs at me whilst I only had Aim-9M would suck

The thing is back then we had 100m multihpath so it was quite easy to multipath radar missiles.

And tbh the should ad 100m multipath back

MP should still have been removed because SARH trucks like the F3 had 0 hope in WVR vs anything like the F-16/Mig-29.

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It should be lowered to 0

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lets not lower the Gripen A to 12.7 please