Dead Aircraft

The only real damage model difference between air and ground assets is that non-primed ordnance (underwing and bomb bay) cannot be detonated like a ground vehicle’s ammo can.

And this is the best example of the stupidity of being declared dead and still killing enemy vehicles:

The airplane itself causes no damage if it impacts right on top of the ground vehicle. None, nada, zilch. Why is that? Well, probably because the aircraft has been declared destroyed. But as we’ve talked about, it’s not really destroyed as it can drop bombs and fire MGs. But apparently it is already destroyed…but wait, is it, or isn’t it? make up your minds folks.

Fix it already.

Just today this happened to me, Yak9T breaks both wings in a sinking, still manages to manoeuvre, manages to catch up with me (while I was returning to the airport to reload) kills me, but it doesn’t end there, makes a 90° turn to aim for the airport and kills another landing plane. I don’t have it against this guy but with the mechanics of the game in AirRB which sometimes surpasses that of AirAB.

Be aware that the graphical representation of damage can be a bit wonky. And it is a Yak so they do have amazing UFO models.