"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

But the question is, India doesn’t have 5+ fighters either. So they only need 4+ fighters to fight. Also, the Indo-Pak region is supposed to be one of the most conflict zones in the world and I’m not sure it’s a good idea to sell the most advanced 5+ fighters to either side. and J20 is not for sale just like F22 , As for the J31 ,maybe one day there will be foreign trade but not now . at last, we are not forcing Pakistanis to buy Chinese fighters, Pakistan is free, as you can see, they can choose whatever they want like J10, F16, even Typhoon or Rafale , and they do equipped a lot of NATO fighters .btw JF17 is a joint development fighter, the ways of cooperation is similar to F35, so JF17 is actually at the request of the Pakistanis themselves

I mean each JF17 only cost 25 million for Pakistan and for Iraq it was 1.8 billion for 12 so 150 million, I think this is for training of pilots and maintenance. J10 was 80 million also. Pakistan chose these vehicles due to their capability in maintaining and their relationship with China. J20 just like F22 will likely not be for sale and J35 is a more likely option, J10CE is probably sold in a package including training and weapons such as PL10E and PL12 so the cost is quite low in comparison to even JAS 39 which was 150million each to Brazil (JAS39E).
note all units are in USD.

I hope they can move A5&JH7 to the bomber line, there is nothing they can add behind H5. Then separate J7&J8, J10 can be added after J7 and J11 is behind J8.

Sad there’s no new LAVs but I always love a good A-10 :D anyone know what bombs it was carrying in the video?

I’ve been trying to figure what that damn thing on the A-10 was for ages, absolutely nowhere mentions it at all. Would be so sick to have buddy-lasing in this game. (Especially for AGM-114…)

This is a perfect time for me drop this lil baby

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They can, the question of the countries building those planes selling them to Pakistan is an other problem however.

As for JF17, it currently lacks AESA and does not have built in stealth like the Rafale or EF have. The JF17 is just not in the same category, especially when you consider the lack of long range AAMs on pakistani’s side. A PL12 isn’t going to cut it when faced with a meteor.

Don’t get me wrong, the thing is good for the buck, but i wouldn’t say it’s in the same playing field.

As for J10, it can somewhat catch up with the PL15 and an AESA, but still lacks the low radar signature. There’s also the question of the electronic suites and combat range

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Cool, thanks

therefore A10’s are not that usefull in game

no problem

Take it with a grain of salt though, as the mods would say : nothing is confirmed yet

Damn you giggles

You know just how to trap me all over again

Damn you . . .it better be Block III

it omits those weapond because they havent found a solution on how to add it yet

congratulations, you figured it out

PL15 should outrange even the newest ARAAM and is reported having a range of 150km since it is mainly made to compete with F22. Radar signature wise I don’t think it matters too much cause they are both not designed for full stealth and as China did apply radar signature lowering paint to J16 I think it could also be applied but just wasn’t considered necessary. I don’t have any specific idea about J10C radar but it is described to be competing with APG81 so I doubt it is much worse than Rafael plus the RBE 2 has limit due to number of gallium arsenide components. I think early rafael could even find itself in a disadvantageous position against J10, as for JF17 the newest block 3 has the same equipment and radar as J10 so it should be similar.
note: I have no particular idea about electronic suites cause i think China’s idea is to have specialised J16D to do the job.

The equipment on both sides is constantly upgraded. The latest version of the JF-17 Block III is equipped with AESA and PL15E, which is sufficient to counter 4+ fighters such as the Rafale or Typhoon. Also There is no denying that the JF17’s airframe has a greater disadvantage, but it is still qualified as a 4+ fighter.

There are many political factors involved in foreign military sales, but as a seller, we still provide Pakistani friends with quite good products, although the performance does not do the suppression of typhoon/Rafale, but combined with the market price, this is a very good product.

As for the stealth performance, I personally do not believe in this 4+ semi-stealth fighter, especially combined with the high cost, I think this is a compromise for not being able to develop and build a 5+ stealth fighter

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It’s hilariously bad

Yeah the A10C with those HMD markings is a bit wierd. If its Buddy-lasing, then AGM-114Hellfires are about to get a pretty nice buff.

Yes a Rafale F2 would be at a disadvantage against a late J10 or JF17. If we compare each contemporary variant (Rafale F2 with JF17 bock 1, F3 with Block 2, F3R - F4 with block 3, and same thing for EF), it is not the case

RBE2 has around 800 T/R modules. Little is known about its performances at this time.

AMRAAM is about to become obsolete, that’s why the US are working on the 260. I’m also not too convinced having a long range missile against a stealth jet like the 22 is that useful, since the range limitation comes from the seeker head / the mothership’s radar and not the energy the missile can give (unless it’s IR, then why not).
In any case 150km isn’t going to help against a meteor.

Isn’t PL15 supposed to be in a fork of 200-300 km instead of 150 though, unless you specifically refer to the export variant ?

5th gen and stealth applied to fighter jets didn’t exist at the time EF and rafale were developped, except for the 22 program which wasn’t in service. Stealth isn’t binary though, but linear, so it’s still undeniable it gives an advantage. To what extent though, difficult to say.

the crosses are friendly units, marked on the hud to reduce “blue on blue” incidents, but yeah if the US don’t get AGM-114Ls then they’ll need something to reduce time spent out of cover

Would be a nice way to even out the playing field for Hellfire Helis without adding the 114L.