"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

While it has a radar and 14 missiles, it cant fire all 14 at once at different targets. And unlike 9M123 , The Hellfire has a warhead that isn’t anemic.

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TBH i never knew about the su-24, or just never remember hearing anything about it, but when it was put in the leaks i went down the rabbit hole and got excited. It looks to be a lot of fun depending on the armament they give it ( also Gaijin when cluster bombs? ) Its defiantly a great looking plane.

I hope something can be done. It is fun to to ground RB with the planes, and sim ground depending on the br for the time period. Would be nice to have something that would let the attack aircraft utilize theere specialties rather than its a plane go bomb a base then try to shot down planes that can fly circles around you, or its a cas plane so you want to play it in ground RB. I like playing ground rb but im not that great at it and being able to fly a fun plane for 3 min per game is just kinds eh. Game mode specifically for attackers or give it a pve mode like helies with lots of ground targets not just convoys and group spawns. Bunkers to blow up , sam sites, radar ect ect.

I suppose that’s valid.

As for the anemic warhead? I’ve had my fair share of hellfires do diddly squat to a tank, and they don’t come down from top attack either, probably a bug but idk, seen it on the bug reporting site but have yet to see anything new about it.

Cluster munitions would be sick, they’ve already added napalm so surely it’s in the works

Of course they could do this, but it would be a snowball effect, they would have to do this for all nations and they won’t do this in a single update.

anyone else notice that in the trailer when the Gripen is shot with the missile the wings denigrate but leave the controls in place? That is one precision missile lol


I’ll love to see this one day

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That is current Gripen DM. You can replicate that in game easly.

I wait since one year te ZTQ-15 for China, please in the next update can you put this awsomely beautiful ZTQ-15!😍😍

So are we getting GPS bombs??

Because this

Looks like this

Seems like it. I also believe the X’s on the A-10C HMD are marked GPS points.

ohhh this should be fun

That is the lowest number I could find on the internet but to be fair it should be somewhere between 200-350km range. Meteor has just gone into service so I don’t have any idea about the realistic range, but the expected value is around 400.

That is true but PL15 has much larger antenna even in comparison to Meteor at 210mm so it should allow similar range even if the radar itself is worse. PL15 is huge, half a meter longer than meteor as well, if they change the radar I think it can go further.

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Just a reminder that PLAAF also has PL-17 in its arsenal which has estimated range of 300-400km. Also domestic PL-15 (not PL-15E) is confirmed to have 200km+ range by its designer.

That thing is mainly against transport aircrafts or refuelling aircrafts rather than meteor and Pl15 which are supposed to take out enemy fighters. Although I do doubt with how long it took and the abrupt finish Meteor can reach it’s designated range.

In terms of WT, I think it does not matter much. A longer range is always an advantage.

The X’s are friendly units, in an effort to reduce “blue on blue” incidents. besides knowing gaijin, the US will be waiting a long time for their JDAMs, still no FnF weapons for the choppers, even in reduced capacity.

100+, 200+, 300+ depending on “sources”
quite honestly i stopped looking for a number.

won’t come in game before ages anyway

fair point, although my concern would come more from the aircraft radar rather than the missile one if i’m being honest

1200 T/R aesa on J10 means its probably not that defenseless even against top notch stealth though, so there’s that X)

There is no indication of this from the trailer.

However X’s already indicate marked points for CCRP targets ingame. Therefore it is logical to assume they are marked points forbthe GPS systems

It’s the RL use???