"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

I’ve been pondering whether the SPYDER or the HVSD/ADAMS would be added first

Go fasts and a French tree for a mode no one plays. Meh.

Ah yea. I would like jp233 to eat migs proper. I was wondering about GPS designated bombs, given the bombs on the 24 seem to be KAB 500S-Es. I am tired though, so I might be remembering wrong for the Russian bomb.

it can stand alone, but not without being filled with shit we already have

What??? The J11 is nothing to you?

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I don’t know about the DAs ever being added, it seems they were not really complete enough. Plus there’s the issue of only DA1 and 2 have the Tornado’s engines, while the Italian DA3 has the proper ones.

For Germany, what I can see in the next few years are-
Tranche 1 Block 2: no A2G, AIM-9L(I) and AIM-120B, basic radar functions, basic countermeasures (flare/chaff only, no jammers, no MAW) for this year
Beyond that-
T1B5: as above, but with IRIS-T, NCTR and terrain avoidance, basic jammers and MAW, HMS
T2B10: further radar modes and A2G armaments, LOAL IRIS-T with data link, further improved ECM, and AIM-120C-5

These are all historically accurate configurations which is nice. Italy would probably be pretty similar, I’d think Britain as well though your Block 2s has ASRAAMs which for balancing reasons probably won’t come on the first Typhoons, nor do I think we’ll see such missiles this year.

I don’t think the Meteor would come before 2027, the problem is it outperforms even the 120D even if not by much and the 174 and 260 is still very early in service and have limited information available

Thats true, someone in the RnR mentioned that maybe those were GPS bombs. Then yeah, GPS guided bombs for Tornado Gr1 and Harrier Gr7 are a possiblity. Though how useful they will be (outside of static targets in Sim) will have to wait and see

but it isn’t, just like every other teaser, it is just a tease

Anything to smite the pantsir.

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Bruh J11A is a god darn joke


J-11 is mid, and J-11A is the worst 13.7 [and it’d be pretty eh at 13.3] in the game.

It’s a gripen C, they just used it to show off the J-10s maneuverability

Which is a shame, really should have given us the E.

(This is half joking)

The guess is that maybe a bit of an amalgem DA Typhoon. Basically bits and pieces from different variants to create a nerfed Typhoon for all 3 nations. Would also increase the amount they could add.

But we’ll have to wait and see. If it is the Typhoon F2 we get (Tranche 1 block 2 (i think) ) then it will have:

Or at least whatever is appropriate for the game


Your trailer making skills keep increasing that’s for sure.

So we’ve got as far as big additions to TTs is the French Coastal and the Swiss Air sub TT to germany.


So how they’re going to implement all eurodeltas even with the supposed real ones they add.

I hope you’re mistaken, because it should only be the Su-24M2 that carries GPS bombs. Maybe it’s a KAB-500L or Kr? I’m not very good at visually identifying them. But jumping to the most modern Su-24 model, especially when it wasn’t shown off with R-73s (pretty big deal, you’d think it’d be included even briefly) would be a bad idea IMO.

Nothing for Britain in the trailer? :(

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Doesn’t look like KR or L. S-E is the nearest I can figure it.