Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Continuing the discussion from Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3):

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Screenshot 2024-09-06 211059

USN service F-14B never drop GBU-38 JDAM in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. F-14D only mounted GBU-31 & GBU-38

I want gaijin remove GBU-38 from F-14B before this major update to live server

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But you see, that is just a nice bonus! It’s a way to troll both German and French mains.

Seeing how some of the more extremists were perfectly fine with Germany having the F/A-18C as a time exclusive, so France having the 2A8 time exclusive would be perfect to troll them back. (/s of course)

But for real, I’m fine with Germany getting it first. I just don’t think it should be added anytime soon.

I mean it is as good as final. The money was already freed up on the government budget and we have no special secondary demands like local production etc.

time frame like the kf41 would be great

Yea, there are other options for an APS on Leos for now.

I just don’t think any more uparmored leopard 2s should be added until other nations have had counterparts to the 2A7V/Strv 122 wherever possible.

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There are options without the add-on hull armour, like the VT-ETB and VT-ETB 2.


I can’t understand why people spend time and energy to have things removed, especially something as inconsequential as a slightly different bomb.

We have already come to Part 4? That’s fast

I still want to know what the bundle is since the only ones that make sense is the Reaper and the A-1

As much as I’d like to see the X-4 being added, it still is rather unlikely that we ever see it. If it does get added, I can already see them using it for an event plane, like they did with that Ki-148.

The Hs 293 could suffer the same fate, but it seems more likely to be added to tech tree planes rather than only an event plane. The Fritz X already exists after all.

The X-7 most likely won’t be added though, as there is no evidence of it ever being mounted on a vehicle and seemingly no plans indicating which vehicles would have mounted it.


You want to know why? Well, answer is simple

I don’t think Gaijin should remove it instead they could just give it the F-14B(U) upgrades and call it that. That way we get some nice additions to the F-14B

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Remove GBU-38 Mk82 500 lb only. not GBU-31

Continuing the discussion from Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3):

So just rename on tech tree and stat card. F-14B → F-14B(U)

But not forget change HUD by Sparrowhawk HUD

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I hope its obvious buttttttt…

don’t forget about ol’ Fritz (X)

Hs 293 is just one of the many weapons missing from the Fw 190F8

just like BT 700 and BT 1400 torpedos and Mistel 3C


I mentioned Fritz X, but yeah, there still is lots of armament to be explored

I hope for the Fritz treatment for many of the Special weapons desiged then

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Some kind of allied guided munitions would be also cool, like the VZ-1 azon.

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Oh boy oh boy