Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

We have already come to Part 4? That’s fast

I still want to know what the bundle is since the only ones that make sense is the Reaper and the A-1

As much as I’d like to see the X-4 being added, it still is rather unlikely that we ever see it. If it does get added, I can already see them using it for an event plane, like they did with that Ki-148.

The Hs 293 could suffer the same fate, but it seems more likely to be added to tech tree planes rather than only an event plane. The Fritz X already exists after all.

The X-7 most likely won’t be added though, as there is no evidence of it ever being mounted on a vehicle and seemingly no plans indicating which vehicles would have mounted it.


You want to know why? Well, answer is simple

I don’t think Gaijin should remove it instead they could just give it the F-14B(U) upgrades and call it that. That way we get some nice additions to the F-14B

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Remove GBU-38 Mk82 500 lb only. not GBU-31

Continuing the discussion from Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3):

So just rename on tech tree and stat card. F-14B → F-14B(U)

But not forget change HUD by Sparrowhawk HUD

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I hope its obvious buttttttt…

don’t forget about ol’ Fritz (X)

Hs 293 is just one of the many weapons missing from the Fw 190F8

just like BT 700 and BT 1400 torpedos and Mistel 3C


I mentioned Fritz X, but yeah, there still is lots of armament to be explored

I hope for the Fritz treatment for many of the Special weapons desiged then

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Some kind of allied guided munitions would be also cool, like the VZ-1 azon.

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Oh boy oh boy

I just wish we had crew voices, the Portuguese one just sound so weird and bad, can’t stand it lol

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yes, but, I don’t know shit about them

I’m all in for thr addition of all Prototype/Rare/unknown Allied weird ordenance and weapons of WWII

there’s got to be some

I heard there was some Allied MLCOS AAM in WWII, that’d be interesting to see

isnt that the D cockpit?

B also got updated cockpit later

Wouldnt really get close to either, it’s not just armour, but also weight (mobility), survivability, firepower, and also M1 being inferior in design to begin with (and that part obviously never changing). By inferior in design i mean it having times more prone hull and roof armour, prone to both HE and APDSFS, that roof armour being thinest of NATO mbts (probably not thinnest but almost thinnest).

all abrams need to be equivalent or better than strvs is double front plate ke resistance (350ish → to 700) and some hull spall liners

This probably is the early US AAM that you are thinking of


Eh it would still be closer. Better hull armor and if they fix the turret ring to at least be resistant to auto cannons.

As long as they don’t slap all kinds of TUSK shit on the roof. The Strv 122 roof armor is actually a quite decent HE trap iirc.