Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

for what vehicle?

Tahhh I wanted to annoy Smin with my new nations theory 😭

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Don’t worry i already annoyed him then he crushed my dreams lol


Meteor F8 and P-47D 28


М53/59 was a requested vehicle to come to the game and there was no other existing tree it was going to go too.


why not add it then to japan if russia has so many options. This vehicle has no connection to russia except that both countries were warsaw pact members


seems random. Maybe a event like with the turkish skins

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Strangely right where the CBT pack are lol

Sure does. We also do not know what Meteor that is, there are 3 to choose from.

@Smin1080p_WT Can you say when France is going to get a tech tree IFV now that it’s the only nation without one? It would be especially nice if the IFV was actually French.


There is no connection to Japan whatsoever for the M53/59. Czechoslovakia was a Warsaw Pact nation at the time this vehicle was introduced and, coupled with the fact there are already 2 other Czech vehicles in the Russian tree, this was the most logical nation it would fall too given Czechia is not an offical sub tree of anyone (therefor it follows the same rules of other nations that are not, in that their vehicles can go wherever is most applicable).


As I said it’s around the BR where they add CBT premiums for new nations

Smin, random question
Would it be possible, if a suggestion got enough support, to reorganise a section of a tech tree to suit the game better?

Yea, i dont see that in any way

Hello @Smin1080p_WT

It seems my question went through in the part 2.
Is there a development planed for all the vehicles of a folder to provide the research bonus for the next vehicle in line? It’s sad the Spitfire Mk24 doesn’t give any bonus on the 1st Meteor.


Sadly tree organisation would not be based solely on opinion alone, as there can be many reasons (game balance, research balance / composition) for the order and structure of trees.

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that’s wrong.

The praga was produced from 1951 to 1978

while 1968 that happend:

You guys literally added a vehicle to the nation which attacked it



Currently this is not planned. The vehicle research bonus follows on from the main vehicle of the group for those wishing to progress through the tree. Foldered vehicles are for expanding existing line-ups and provide further options for players to explore.


I’m asking as the tree I’m on about seems to have hit a small issue with future updates and previous planes are being under utilised to progress the tree, it would be to keep historical accuracy to a degree and allow the dev team to easily add more to the nation in future updates

For not commenting on non announced things/ leaked things Smin is commenting on a lot of things that weren’t announced.