Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Well… Not entirely true. Was slated for the Foxhunter radar and the RWR from the F3. BOL for CMs, 27mm Mauser gun, etc. The only thing it never did was fire a live missile.

Now a year ago when we were fighting Yak-141s and F-16AJs with our Tornado F3… It would have been nice for them to consider it in that intervening year of uptiers.

Now im just hoping the Sea Harrier gets finished after 2 years

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Yea, though even if it was modeled properly, it wouldn’t matter anymore since ARH missiles are all PD.

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Its not a bad point. With how all ARH missiles ignore the aircraft’s DL once they get to a certain point, Radar capability becomes basically irrelevant

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PLAAF JL-10 is a pure advanced jet trainer and unarmed

L-15A full Air-to-Ground armament but limited IR SRAAM

L-15B Air-to-Ground system like L-15AW but full Air-to-Air ordnance

I don’t know FTC-2000G to chinese fighter or attack aircraft line

That’s true, and it could be the flagship vehicle for AESA radars alongside the Su-30 as the same for PESA ones.


Yep, the question is when. I’m assuming December update but, could be earlier or later.

December with the F-2A, Su-30, Typhoon, and F/A-18 makes sense, unless the F/A-18 is planned for the October/November one, as it may be.


Perhaps F-18A in October/November one and then F-18C in December. Though I’d imagine if Germany is getting F-18C then EFT is off the table for a while.



It is not an indirect no, its a “wait and see what comes, we will announce it when we feel is right” type of answer. He’s just keeping unannounced vehicles behind closed doors, we will find out soon enough. Just be patient.

Infantry can do Buddy lasing too right?

wouldn’t that be a funny buff for IFVs?

Morning everyone. Are we hoping for something good today?

We always are.


When do we think we are getting a teaser? Tomorrow?

Either tomorrow or next week thursday

I’m gonna bet it’s tomorrow.

Gonna jinx it boat blog :)

French navy dovbleg.


if the sequence is still ground, air, naval then we should get a air devblog