Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

How can i add Devblogs/internet sites like you did?
I just see the option for creating a Hyperlink.

just put the links in and forum will do the rest

Japan already has SPAA for 3.3, 4.7, 6.7, and 9.0.
M16, M42, SUB-1-2, and Type 87.
SPAA, unlike tanks, are balanced far higher than their listed BR due to the fact planes don’t have much armor.
So it’s more about velocity, range, and damage.

Every 9.0 option will be a Gepard-like SPAA.
Outside Japan’s 11.0 lineup relying on aircraft [F-5E FCU], the limited 7.3 lineup relying on Kikka, and top end not having an effective SAM for 11.3+ CAS like the other 9 tech trees, Japan’s okay.
Yes, it could use a dedicated 6.0 SPAA, and SUB-1-2 is still a valid use for 6.7 regardless.

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because in the preview they still just show as hyperlinks

I would say Merkava 3 but technically the exact model in the US tree hasn’t been added yet.

Part three already zamn.

Merk 1A also. Has no smoke launchers on the turret and no therms or better apfsds and sits at 9.0. Its a beast i love it.

Which fucking sucks because it would be awesome on isreal

I wish gaijin would change their view on event vehicles like that because these vehicles only hurt their parent TT by not being added.


Lame. Just another of many reasons the game (and community) would be significantly healthier if the Market was deleted.


Market does add some nice ways for players to buy and sell but to gate keep vehicles from parent nations imo is unhealthy


Meanwhile in Russia

AAAAND the 9K33 Osa

They all got added (will be added) in more ore less the same timeframe.

(yeah i know Russia produced a lot more AA Platforms then Japan but still a few of them werent really needed at the time)


@Hyrikul The Leclerc S2 and SXXI already have automatic target detection and tracking IRL. The French developed that technology all the way back in the mid-90s lol. They also developed automatic target recognition which could identify specific vehicles based on their thermal signature back in the late 90s:



Sadly, it was never put into service at the time.

But acoustic gunshot detectors would be almost entirely unique to France since the M10 Booker also uses Pilar V. And ANTARES would be completely unique and quite a cool function.


ship blog = horrible day

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idk why it doesnt work for you



why did i reply to you? :D ?

i guess iam just cursed to not be able to preview it like this. anyway

And I’ve just been to Llandudno 😂

Smin1080p should edit his post
“two major updates so far where Germany has been without a top BR Fighter.” - Sounds better

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Finland had a version of it that might come to the game at some time, so there are a few nations that it can arrive to at some point.