Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


Im just tired of fighting scharnhorsts in general, every nation needs a comparable ship


Man i hope the OSA actually comes so i might be able to retire the trusty OTOMATIC

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But brazilen not sub tree for italy tree because italy already 2 nations sub tree

At least I hope F-5E from swiss not skip this quarter

Japanese players have been asking for CAS, SPAA and Radar SPAA for over 5 years now, yet still nothing has been implemented.
Especially around the 3.3, 4.7, 6.3, 6.7, 7.3 and 7.7, 9.0 and 11.0 area, because they have none.
These are Japans only lineups at rank III and above, yet they have no CAS or SPAA. The only way to have a SPAA would be to uptier the lineup significantly and bring the lineup in the premium uptier zone.


Can you perhaps elaborate to why it hasnt been implemented?
And could you also elaborate to why gaijin has been ignoring the issue, since we don’t get a single reaction from the team to why these have not been added, despite having the resources necessary.

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As you could see in the Devblog about the Bald Shilka the USSR clearly has a bigger need for SPAA than Japan (or any other nation)


Most out of touch dev team.



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Imagine being implemented 1.5 years after the main three and still lacking around 200 vehicles total behind because of sheir neglect

Gaijin probably: Man, I wonder why the Japanese premiums aren’t selling so hot

because the TT sucks on purpose, i’d bet that if they were to put some effort in the TT - everyone would start playing it.

I’d say there’s a good chance they might be trying that out in the near-ish future

5 SPAA have been implemented within that timeframe:

as well as the M16, M19A1 and SUB-I-II.

So that would be incorrect to say nothing has been implemented.

And most recently for high tier CAS:

Before that, in order to try and improve Japans situation:

As we have said, we are working to fill other gaps for Japan as well as every nation.




Alternatively we could just go full nelson and bring in a 9x 16inch armed ship. That seems much simpler, rather than all this “balance” malarkey

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Im taking a guess here, Thursday teaser and Friday dev stream ))

I think it is a bit early for the teaser this week, most likely next Thursday.

The most logical next step is to give the tam 81c the ARH missles.

I know it was initialy planned to introduce a new vehicle with the ARH missles. But since release the type 81C climbed so much in br that a new vehicle for the arh missles just doesnt make sense anymore

ARH one would easily be 11.7 though. Not that it makes a large difference because Japan has no 11.3 lineup anyway.

Exactly my point.
And actualy finding the targets will still suck either way.
Only gen 1 thermals to find enemys yeah…

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