Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


If it aint Russian, it aint bussing

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When i get my finnish Continuation war lineup my life will be complete

Im fairly sure I answered you already on this that if you mean the specific version in the German tree, that’s a no.


Woot, alright so it official its never gonna be added


you wont, because just like its air TT,
All indiginous stuff is an event, battlepass or premium vehicle.

Welp dreams crushed

All of them ? Not just the ones that are in the files but unused ?
I think anyone who cares is pretty familiar w/ the Mk. 6 depth charge by now.


How to read way too much into a simple statement:

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No F/A-18C means probably no other swiss planes aswell. Sad day. The p-16 would have been really cool

@Smin1080p_WT if I email the devs pictures of the Mirage III NG every day do you think they’ll add it or file a cease and desist?


Nothing to do with model.
The armor values are made worse by gajin

Jup its ridiculous

Air and ground have different developmen teams. Thats why propably… now what does the naval team think…

how to be not funny

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The IJN Shikugo has its anti sub pod since it came into the game.

Yet i bet its going to be the last one who actually receives it!

Naval, lmao, if its anything like the air tree then dont bother adding it.

Coastal is the best Blue water is mid imo

France has a chance to get a new battleship class in this patch? It’s been suffering for a year now. Strasbourg is urgently needed already… :(


You can have coastal :P

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Stay in his head
Stay in his head
Stay in his head
Stay in his head
Stay in his head

I’m more of a fan of a large fleet. And at the moment I’ve been waiting for a year for a normal standard battleship in the French branch. I’m tired of fighting on Lorraine against Scharnhorsts and Maria and ships with 410 mm main caliber. France simply doesn’t have a battleship that can calmly confront the enemy at the moment.


