Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Who could have guessed…



Can see this seal clubbing a downtier on reserve tanks

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I think its the reload time. 1.2 seconds might be what the CV9035 uses 1.2 seconds to change between belts. E: At least thats what the CV9035DK uses, approximately

So this is 12.58km, this is still in excess of the laser mav’s 10km.

Heck, your second shot even proves that further as you are still tracking out to 10.81km.

Even with your worst track that you posted here the laser mavs are still inferior in range to the IR mavs contrary to the original statement.

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Did the addition of IRST Auto Track on the CV9035NL warrant an increase in BR compared to the CV9035DK, or were other factors included for the decision?

The BMP-3 and BMD-3 both share the same BR, yet the BMD have IRST Auto Tracking. Should this warrant an increase in BR for the BMD?

My statement? I didn’t say anything about it not being more. Only thing I said was the difference wasn’t nearly as big as 20km to 10km.

Afaik, the CV9035NL IRST on the dev was only placeholder and doesn’t have it anymore.

The differences at the moment are the protection and laser warning system.

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Yeah, that is udnerstandable. But my question was more regarding the initial reasoning for the different BRs

I feel like within this update they could have introduced items like the SU-30M2 (RU) and SU-30MKK to bolster CN/RU TT without adding anything too new. At this rate Gaijin is going to add aircraft that are the exact same or worse in upcoming updates as filler.

That’s what the J-10A and JF-17 are for.

Yes, but by adding more domestic CN products out of tandem with their prior export aircraft we are just going to be receiving DOA aircraft in the future.

huh? How would the Su-30MKK be DOA?

looks like the sight demo video accidentally leaked US T-90?

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SU-30MKK uses outdated radar and weapon systems compared to aircraft such as the J-10A

Pretty sure the file name has been ingame (edit - or rather in the files than the live game) and datamined for quite a while now.

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Nice job sniping the original reply to call me out on a autocorrect error, you can still lock targets out to 20km with the IR mavs, and you cannot physically launch the laser ones without being within 10km, thats still the reality and you proved that yourself.

Anyway, if you want even further proof of their inferiority, we can also compare their worse delta V, being 252.21 M/S vs the 193.33 M/S of the laser mavs (all copies of eachother).

The only worse mavs are the G clones which have no real use in game compared to the D and H to begin with after the explosive changes at 185.11 M/S.

The initial N001 radar batch, sure, following batches had better radar.

We both know that isn’t going to happen though. This thing exists specifically to pair with the M1A1 Clickbait at 11.3. Same as the Su-39 and T-80U-E1.

Edit: also I don’t think the AV-8B(NA) will be that much better than the Su-39 in GRB, looking at the big picture.

The SU-30MKK receives the N001VE batch of radars.