Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yeah, the first production batch.

there are 360 ​​people still waiting for a mod to respond to us…

The second batch only receives the N001VEP

Apparently later batches had some form of Zhuk radars.

Not necessarily the best source though.


The video has been switched to one using French vehicles now.


Imagine the only high tier tank in the US tree with somewhat good armor being a T-90 lol.


probly gonna be the tank event

Probably April fools


Forgot to reply to this one, the laser mavs where flat out not launchable until 32808 feet on dev, as in you can depress the trigger but they wont come off the rail until this distance.

On the subject of laser intensity, I am not aware of gaijin actually modeling that in game at all, the GBU series of laser guided bombs are frankly a terrible measure of that due to their abysmal seeker performance across the board in game sadly, its in part why the AGM-123 is nearly unusable in game at any range beyond point blank.

I do believe that was the SU-30MK using the ZHUK-27/MF, but it was not sold to CN.

I believe this is what you are referring to

That’s a later PESA radar project, the Sokol series which were essentially renamed as part of the Zhuk family (bit more complicated than that, but anyway).

The Zhuk’s on later Su-30MKK’s were regular planar array ones, like on the Yak-141 or MiG-29SMT.

where ?


I cannot seem to find an SU-30MK/MKK/MKK2 with a ZHUK (Besides the MF/MSE)

They wouldn’t dare to release that thing

Tbh who knows Gaijin at this point? Although it could create a very unpleasant precedent

Could get crazy with other captured vehicles, so I doubt its for anything but a short event like April Fools, or even bringing back the Tank Biathlon.

If they start introducing modern captured vehicles they might as well let us combine nations in our lineups as we please

Hmm, could be, but if Im not mistaken Tank Biathlon is done on T-72, no?