Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

The resistance of the J-10 is now completely abnormal. Its low-altitude acceleration is not as good as that of the F4, and its high-altitude speed of 1.5 Mach at 5,000 meters is nearly 1 minute slower than that of the F16/15c. This is obviously not in line with reality.


To be honest I can understand both sites with this anti radiation missile thing. I want them because they are cool and for custom battles. But I can understand that they are hard to balance. It is important that CAS is fun to play but also that it gets stopped by anti air. But yeah im not the best ground rb player I mostly play naval and air nowadays.

AL31FN is issued in devblog but what about the canard, is it moveable yet in dev server?
Regarding acceleration someone has mentioned this although it is hard to make an issue cause the airframe is still ‘work in progress’ whilst evidence for faster acceleration is hard to implement.
Bro part 4 required?

J-10A has too many erroneous flight resistances.This is a joke that the flight acceleration capability of J10A is even worse than that of F4.


ahh yes SPAA in ground need to be more useless after missile nerfs

As long as they still are jets the 4. or 5. line can still used move and no new line is needed. Different would be if swiss prop planes would get leaked aswell

Not really. These are used project by NovA. So nothing from gaijin officially. The romanian planes are from NovA aswell.


I don’t play much ground and have always sympathised for the anti CAS proponents.
I personally want anti radiation badly to use against AI in Sim EC.
I’d be very happy with the following solutions or a combination there of:

-Split Ground RB into Ground RB and Combined RB.
-Massive spawn cost for anti radiation weaponry.
-Have anti radiation lock terribly bad on smaller stations like used on player controlled SPAA’s. Replace sim AI SPAA’s with larger stations to easily lock onto and blow up.

ARMs aren’t able to see short range sam’s radars. So they will be usless in CAS. I don’t understand what you are scared about

Do not forget about Joy_Division :)
The guy behind Bv155, Bv138 and He 177. He is working apparently on the Heinkel He280



GPS bombs is new, more planes get them later
for air yeah britain air is kinda lacking
but hey at least china is no longer copy and paste and Su-24 got added

Dev server has received another update , from .19 to .20 .

tbh I do feel it is ever so slightly overtiered, but that’s a personal take. It’s not extremely egregious, but well

Us getting nothing in Naval is inexcusable, especially considering there are now two entire classes of ship we don’t have in the TT.

Nice. P-16 cockpit is now in

oh good I hope it wont be premium or event.

Anymore premium Packs to be put on the store ???

I have money burning in my pocket lol

Is this going to be fixed before the update comes out?
This starting as not being able to equip the KAB-500S on Pylon 2 on the Su-24M when making a custom loadout but now it affects Pylon 1 in the latest Dev Server update.

Smin denied the latter two… So, at least this update, it’s not happening

The report has already been fixed from 0.17 onwards.

@Smin1080p_WT Why is the air resistance of J10 so high, and its low altitude acceleration ability is even inferior to that of Mig-21SMT