Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

It will at least force SPAAs to turn off radar and move sometimes)

NovA not only did the marut but worked on the bf209 and fw 187 aswell

All got added

Dates seem just really old.


SPAA is supposed to counter CAS, not the other way around

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Counter mean always dominate?)

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or a single one of those coastal battleships with 4x 14 inch guns and 6x 6 inch guns (I think that was the armament on at least one) but it’s premium

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Wonder how they gonna implement this.



*Laughs in Air Arcade and being able to win the match by bombing

Dominate? Just kill the SPAA with a tank if you feel the need to play CAS or at most BRs, make use of the environment.

The Pantsir problem can be fixed by nerfing it, adding new weapons to counter ALL radar SPAA/SAMs will just make it worse

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Just kill plane with other plane)

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Just play ARB at that point.

Air rb has less reward, at least by destroying ground targets

no plane should ever outrange a spaa

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Maybe something like the Fireflash on the Swift F.7?

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Oh noooo, such a shame…

I think more like the anti air nord. Question is if they give it a general proximity trigger or not

The X-4s had an acoustic proximity trigger that was fine tuned to only be triggered by B-17s, so, it’s a matter of how realistic gaijin wants them to be.

They could very well be for special events or missions only tho


Could be yeah. If added what would carry it though?

Fw 190, Ju 88 and Me 262 were tested, Do 335 was also intended, but apparently didn’t get tested

Only the Fw 190 and Ju 88 had test-launched them tho

That’s interesting.

I’d imagine from the user perspective it’s like using TWS and soft lock launching an ARH, except on the receiver’s end it’s a hard lock. If not, they’d have to add the ability to lock multiple targets which could be really cumbersome.

Either way, early or mid, an F-2A with ARH seems like a minimum now or it’s not going to be top tier (as in max BR).



Its time to tell them…
