Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Alright, they were only added now to the changelist. Thanks!

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Oh yeah, the Stormer AD is gonna be nice for those that don’t want to put up with the Starstreaks.
I’ll probably still use the Stormer HVM as my main SPAA/SAM at that BR tho, the AD will be a nice backup however

Yeah. definetly situational. Especially if the Stomrer AD doesnt have scouting. (edit, I think it does)

With the optics on the HVM + Scouting its excellent for that job.

But it will be nice to have something that can deal with recon drones if nothing else (assuming the stingers will work)

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Still hoping for the Stormer AD to get a BR of 9.7, as the 9.3 lineup seems to still work quite well in uptiers and getting a better SPAA than the Marksman and ZA-35 would definitely be nice at that BR

Stingers are very iffy against recon drones, usually they can easily evade the missile.

I’m grinding to build my 10.3 british lineup and I’ll personally likely run both the HVM and AD stormer in my lineup.


Yeah, I felt like they gave it the smaller gun purely to mitigate it as an anti-tank but then gave it a BR where it would have been appropriate for that gun. 9.3 I think would have been fine for it.

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Dont forget the French got the first TT River-class!

Yeah… But compared to starstreaks, stingers will be outright OP vs recon drones :D and always got the gun if they fly too close

But heres hoping they might buff the stingers to IRL level at some point


Not sure about 9.3, but on the other hand that missile Shilka and the Machbet are at that BR too, tho from what others say those two seem to be not all too great.

9.7 would be fair I’d say.

Is the Su-24M not able to mount the KAB-500S on pylon 2 in the custom loadouts? It has it in the premade loadout but it can’t be equipped when making a new custom loadout. You can copy the premade loadout and use it but when you close and re-open the Dev client it gets removed from the loadout and asks you to change the loadout.


Missing from the selection screen.


It shows on pylon 2 in the premade loadout.


Gets removed when you re-log into the Dev server

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Which ship is that?

Also we have a River-Class. Its a premium HMS Spey

Wha the bingo card people flag because they aren’t fun ? lol

La Surprise.

Ah… Na its fine, we have HMS Spey already

With a name like that it should be part of a free promotion lol


I think it’s probably being seen as 1:1 with the LAV-AD, though it has less missiles ready to fire (and overall I think)

Thats true

That’s what I’ve read others claim as well, but the Stormer just seems like an overall worse platform

Plus the LAV-AD gets the funny rocket pods

Plus plus the LAV can swim

LAV-AD probably has the much better mobility as well

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It’s a lav-ad that trades 4 stingers and the rocket pod for a search radar (that didn’t seem to work well on the dev server when I tried it), so I think it shouldn’t go lower than 9.7.