Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Fair enough, I forgot the LAV-AD existed originally and was just going by other IR launchers like the SANTAL at 9.3, Machbet at 9.3 or the Ozelot / Gepard 1A2 at 9.7


Last time I checked the radar was unfinished. It was just a copy of the ADAD from the Stormer HVM

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from what I could see the Radar was just using the HVM’s IRST as a placeholder, at least on the initial iteration of dev


Lav has only 18km/h Backward speed.
Stormer has reverse transmission. Both 80km/h
Also stormer can turn around on spot.

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I actually think the Gepard 1A2 is the closest counterpart to the Stormer AD, because the LAV-AD just plays like a wheeled light tank with stingers.

The Gepard 1A2 in this comparison would probably have slightly better long range cannon performance and slightly better self defense with the 40 APDS rounds while the Stormer AD has thermals and more stingers.

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From a pure anti air perspective the LAV-AD should be 9.7 as well imo, however taking it’s light tank performance into consideration I can see why it is 10.0.

I don’t think it would be the end of the world if the Stormer AD got 10.0 as well, but I feel like it should at least be considered and/or tested at 9.7


APHE changes will be tested on dev and then tested on live server.


does the Su-27SM have more missiles now?

Holy shit, I wouldn’t have expected them to actually do a test after those vote results

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Can someone take a screenshot to see the location and data card of the test server IJN Amagi in the technology tree? :D

You can now mount 2x R-77 on the belly rails

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8 R77s and 4 R73s

Not on the dev server yet


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Oh, Mogador is a nice surprise. Even though it’s not the 1942 version so its AA is pretty bad…


This Australian rabbit hole keeps getting deeper.

So If it’s a purely American variant Australia uses it goes to the US tree, But if it’s a American vehicle made to an Australian variant it goes to the UK, have I gotten that right ?

oh hey, looks like theyre doing the aphe stuff

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Hehe, people are pissed about the APHE test happening.

It’s almost like having over 40% of players vote for the test means that there definitely is demand for such changes


ahem Australian Super Hornet with ASRAAMs ahem