Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)



Never happened :P

Britain clearly just used left over ships from Jutland throughout WW2 :P


Indeed. I made a longer comment on the reddit version, but with a quick search it seems VTB 10 is a mostly-sister to 8 and 9 but with experimental machinery which made her faster, while VTB 12 is a sister to 11 and (again, very quick search) I’m unsure about potentially different refits or similar.

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Too bad Yugoslavia was politically its own thing and adding it to russia would be borderline criminal lmfao

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Me when India

Still a little different is it not?

Tbf it would be more likely for them to be added to Poland if that ever comes.

Since they are doing region subs now instead of a single nation.

Tf? Poland? They got more stuff than poland lol. And by that I mean more unique stuff.
We love both but let’s not mix them together.
Region wise as well btw

As I said they want to do region subs, Japan will get one as a russian mod already teased.

So it would go like this,

Poland (Main)
Czechoslovakia (sub line)
Yugoslavia & Bulgaria (Placed where ever in the tree)

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Sure, these nations have different histories, what I was trying to poke at is that I wouldn’t put it past gaijin to have yugoslavian vehicles in the USSR tree

Nahhh. That’s just wrong in so many ways lol.
Yuga is a main. Maybe Bulgaria as sub. Or one of the league of the independent countries yuga led.
CZSK and Poland could and should go together.
Done. Easy as that.
Yuga has more stuff than poland, why make it a sub lolmao

Ye hopefully they don’t pull off any of that kinda brainlet moves ( they have but hope remains lol)

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I don’t agree with it ether but you have to expect the unexpected with gaijin lol
Which is why I haven’t gone mad crazy yet

Ye but think of it this way. Who’s a bigger barrel of gunpowder? Poland or Balkans. Now who’s closer to GJ HQ? Ye they’re both close but one’s worse lol
( This is a joke, before anyone thinks im for real)

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Probably a good place for Ukraine as well


Yea Poland if done right can be as big as China or close to Russia in terms of vehicles.

Honestly that’d be a better alternative. Poland plus ukraine, based purely on the recent half a century of history ( which isn’t too bad right?)
Then yuga and czsk since true euroslav moment.
( I mean if we can understand each other that has to mean something right?).
I guess that’s the other option, and i see it as a good way of doing it.

But shouldn’t be called Poland lol. It’d be a different beast entirely, especially with post yugoslav stuff

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Agree since I want Sweden to be renamed Scandinavia.

Maybe Eastern Europe ?

I suppose it comes down to whether each tree can stand on their own footing or whether a combined tree just makes for a much healthier tree