Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Well that the peoples fault not the leakers.

There could be a number of reason why stuff gets’ delayed or never come.
I mean we’ve seen people get mad even if there were told it maybe delay.

You just can’t win when people get mad over silly things.

Leak list with no announcement about it delayed :
But but gaijin you promised

Leak list with announcement about it delayed :
But why is it delayed I want it now

Leak list when they are sometime wrong :

I’m don’t believe that thing because I choose to be blind as I don’t x vehicle and willingly spread false information.

If you call it a guess list then 90% of people will think it’s fake even with blogs.
You can’t please everyone when it comes to leaks.

Press and hold would be much nicer imo, periodic just seems like a crutch. I suppose on more modern jets that can programme their dispensers then it makes sense but… ehhh

Iirc they deployed a fix for Chaff not working if that’s what you’re referring to.

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" Pre-order bonus: Unique digital camouflage."


I hope this trend goes for more vehicles of all kind in the future as it make pre-ordering that little more unique.

Too many vehicles are lacking decent skins

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Please feel free to report any missing ammunition types via reports.

We wish to expand upon these BRs for France. So we gave to start that by adding some vehicles here.

BRs relation to rank does not have the same rules for each tree. Different trees have different BR cutoffs for each nation.


Would you happen to know why the CV9035NL has an aircraft tracker (not sure if its IRST or something else entirely) on the dev server, while the CV9035DK didn’t get one?


Heya Smin.

Are there plans to add Phimat Pods to other aircraft?

The Jaguars all have them, but they would be of notable buffs to the Tornado F3/F3 Late/ADV which could run 2 in place of the fuel tanks or 1 in place of an Aim-9. With the on-going issues with BOL Chaff. 216 large calibre chaff would be a game changer, especially for the F3 Late that has to defend against Fox 3s


Just the thought of having that many CMs on the F.3…

Speaking about BRs, do you know what happened to the plan to expand top tier ground BRs that was supposed to happen when air and ground BRs were split?

216 or 432 large calibre chaff and the FM needed to actually enter the notch whilst dropping 320 BOL flares to defend against IR missiles?


The Brits are back

Still gunna fight for BOL flares and chaff to be returned to IRL levels though


“Some vehicles?” Only one vehicle has been added. But why didn’t the devs start with the Vextra 105? And are you able to provide any timeline on when these BRs will be expanded upon and if they will even be with French vehicles?


will al-khaild1 have a high resolution thermal?


F-111K skin for you:


That’s very cool, and I sure hope that ends up in the game as an unlockable camo, or at least in the camo crate, but I still feel like the F-111C is a bad addition.

Especially when considering that we will just be told “but you got the F-111C last year” when we ask for something else

yeah you wish to expand the br for France but since how many years at that point ?

And if so why not add the shell that was missing of the vextra for balance purpose to move it up in br, it would at least be played with the other swedish ifv, it’s not like last time when vextra would be alone.

I will now wait for the UK to finally get a ww2 refit of a battleship (clueless)

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Me waiting for the Gnat

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watch gnat come to game as a russian premium (yugoslavia)
