Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

A falklands air map would be epic, look at the topography it would be perfect for ARH gameplay



DJI mavic 2 and parrots are civilian drones, but they are the most common kamikaze drones, even after the two sides began using dedicated loitering ammo. My take would be the ability to select one type of drone to bring into an battle, either these 4-axles or the scout micro currently in game.


So where would west germany be since we already got Fulda

Well 250kmx150km across is a huge size, but this may be just good enough for ASB or ARH tier ARB. However I would definitely want carrier to take an even bigger role here, especially for ARB.


A naval ARB mode would be cool, only aircraft that can land in carriers would be allowed. Too specific tho so not really feasible unfortunately :(

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Well of course, for the jet tiers, Sweden, Germany, Japan and China lacks carrier capable jets altogether. Meanwhile, only the US, Italy and Britain actually has access to ARH missiles, while France and Israel gets capped at sub-11.0.


Abdiel class is a weird choice

Yuri is pretty weird too, as we already have Asagao in-game, I guess this would be a different fit?

Not a fan of adding more copy-paste to trees when domestic options are available.

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Yeah duh, sounds like mining off a cap zone ever happens in actual gameplay. She would be dead before that.

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Click for :Yuri2:


The LCG(M) and HMS Manxman are sisterships of vessels that are already ingame*, too. They’re probably going to be event rewards or GE premiums.
VTB-10 and VTB-12 might make it in time for the France Coastal CBT, or even the next devserver version if we’re really lucky. Or they might not come until a future update.

There were quadcopters in the exoskeleton event iirc, and the QN506 has one in the files:

I remember Falklands had been datamined in the devserver for update 1.85( ), but nothing came of it then. There 's been a few map object buildings from it for ages though, I think they’re used on Naval maps:

Not really sure what " Carthagian Coast " and " West Germany " might be, since we already have Tunisia and Fulda.

*the LCG(M) is on the devserver rn, close enough.


Ah, it’s 100 Kanojo.


My takeaway from this is to reject being beholden to one in game nation, and embrace them all for their own different qualities

Explain in normal

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Would add a new level of variety and complexity to gameplay against the long prevalence of monotony in top air RB ( or just add air rb ec back for this already gaijin ffs)


Thanks for that high-res-ish version. :3

A neat collection of ships/boats, even if they’re versions of things we already have. Having VTB 10 and 12 would give us all the numbers from 8 through 14. :)


Looks like they’ll have a similar configuration to the other VTB -serie boats we’ve encountered on the devserver.

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We can expect something like Kings of battle since Sons of Atilla is mainly Copy paste vehicles, main focus of tanks would be BR decompression for the next patch/ or the one after that. 1 more update of the year left I think, next one will probably be January or Feb.

Yuri yuri yuri yuri yuri!!!

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to be honest, the addition I’m most looking is the Japanese sub tree, I’ve been waiting all year and i’m excited for october :)


No IRST and no cool variable wing sweep