Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

That’s possible, a lot of trainers have been passed to developers this last year

Bro it’s literally just a mirage with fbw and fixed canard, the F-14d was the final push of 3rd gen US air superiority.

I’m fairly certain the F-14 was 4th gen, at least the D deserves this

Nah, Tomcats are the most mainstream, boring ahh planes ever

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There is usually at least 1 update between major new US top tier 4th gen fighters. So if the F/A-18C happens in november I think that’ll be it for this year in terms of new top tier US fighters.

The F-14D was hard 4th gen???

The NG was a very important test bed for new development and played a pivotal role in the Rafale program

Yes, you could consider the F-14d 4th gen but the f14a was def 3 or 3.5

kinda? in terms of weapons again kinda? most EFT nations can get at least Trenche 3s with ASRAAMS / I-RIST (from what I have heard both are better then 9X) and Meteors (which I have also heard is better then D series AMRAAM)

The Tomcat was considered to be the first 4th gen tho

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I’m going to have to agree with those saying the Tomcat is cool. Don’t get me wrong I love my Hornet but variable wing aircraft is my favorite aircraft type.


Tranche 3 is EX and 22 territory

Don’t forget the shiny new aim174b for super hornets lol

Also asraam was tested by US which is part of why it’s also called AIM-132

it was ment to be a NATO replacement for aim9 but the US decided they had to many aim9’s and made the 9x

while true that most likely will only be for one aircraft could be a neat event plane

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I think swing wing is a 3rd gen feature, and the F-14 didn’t have fbw and it’s radar wasn’t as advanced as 4th gen stuff, just really big and a lot of power into it. It’s a mix of both to me which is why it’s more a 3.5 gen

Why are we on our 6th (SIXTH) patch since La Royale with France still not receiving a 7.0? Japan is receiving its second 41cm armed capital ships (with a wows tier joke of a model apparently), but France doesn’t even have a single 7.0?
Gaijin, I have paid repeatedly for this tech tree. Where is my fucking top tier ship? This tree has been severely incomplete for over a year, not even including the half-dozen other surface ships that you guys refuse to add in-place of the copy-paste from the German tree.


mhm mhm, I brought it up to just give an idea that the US will probably be on the back end of the Meta I still think they will be good just they wont be leading it like they are now

Well, I am not the guy that made up those fighter jet generations, pretty sure the US themselves did that.

If we go by timeframes, the F-14 is a fourth gen, if we go by features, the F-14 is a fourth gen and if we go by general consensus, the F-14 is a fourth gen.


yeah its kinda insane, went and looked because I was curious, the UK is the only naval nation with no late 30s early 40 refit of a battleship (and our best BC is an event ship) sadly Hoods AA leaves a lot to be desired from what I have seen which is sad considering they were preparing to have her refitted just before she was sunk.

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Maybe it’s will be better missiles and flight performance of eft vs raw firepower of 22 amraams on the EX