Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yeah I think the only reason why some would get the impression of F-14 being an older “3-rd gen” is if they compare the F-14 by the end of it’s service to the relatively more upgraded and well-maintained F-15 and F-16 models of the time. The analogue systems and non-glass cockpit would probably leave some to dismiss it as “3-rd gen”.

I’m not saying it is, just theorizing why somebody would get that impression

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Call me crazy, but I don’t see gaijin adding that 22 AMRAAM loadout

true the EFT from what I know never got an increase in its ordicance so it cant carry more then 12 missiles compared to the EX that I think has been tested with 22 AMRAAMs I think?

they did give them the 8 ARAAMs, and the Su27SM 8 R77s with 4 R73s

is there any chance of seeing Su-15TM flagon in that or next update?


Sure, but 22 is a fair bit more than 12 lol

plus I am pretty sure the quad mounts for AMRAAMs arent even cleared for use

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Jet Generations I think have always been predicated on the jet capability in avionics, not necessarily their kit or radar

For example

Gen 2 (Mach capable): F-100, and Mig19
Gen 3 (mach 2 capable): Mig-21, f-4e
Gen 4 (mach 2 capable + improved avionics): F-14, mig 29
Gen 5 (mach 2 capable +improved avioncs + stealth masking capability): f-22, f-35

Then you have the weird catch all Gen 4.5, which I think is just improved versions of Gen 4 that dont necessarily have that layer of radar masking. But a lot of jets fall in here, usually its got canards or TVE that make them unique


That one would be very cool to see ngl, but planes like that seem to be on the backburner for when they run out of newer things to add

If the US want 22 AIM 120C/D
Typhoon wants its Meteors

Yeah, I think it would be balanced vs tranche 2 or 3

For Russia i’m thinking of Su-30 for December

Yeah that’s why I want the amraams D, if no metoer than 22 amraams unnecessary and unbalanced

And the 18E with that new big missile. I only really want to see that because the missile is so big compared to the hornet it looks really goofy.

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Should’ve named it the aim 108

I just want to relive my bf3/4 days man

Still so good after all these years


I really hope this is only the case for unfinished modifications that have direct equivalents, as there are a lot of interesting and unique, yet unfinished vehicles escecially the further the game gets into the modern day.

I understand that adding an unfinished F-111K when Australia is already the “put where needed” nation and can offer a similarly unique F-111 modification, but I really hope this doesn’t include interesting aircraft that were unfortunately held back by budgets or external political pressure.


Please don’t let American political pressure and bribery ruin my JF-210 in reality and in game…


Sadly they only built a wing section and the radars before it was cancelled…
pITPSaP (1)


Yes, this level of BF3 is very shocking

Yeah, there is a boatload of aircraft that were built to (almost) completion, but then never adopted and it would be a shame if they all suffer the same fate ingame.

F11F-1F, BAC TSR-2, SR.A/1, F2Y, F5D, CF-105, Fairey Delta, Supermarine Type 545, to name a few off the top of my head


Built enough for me

Gaijoobles gib


Does anyone know if the US AV-8B plus is getting its AGM-65E as well as the new premium, i dont have access to the dev server since im on console