Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Unfortunately there’s a certain group of US mains who resent seeing other nations receive vehicles of US design/manufacture, even though the nation in question operated them.

There’s also the question of subnations (like Australia) where they are placed, and copy paste vehicles taking the place of domestic options.

Gaijins extreme lack of consistency, the unwillingness to add the F-111K, Britain being told that they don’t need an Aardvark only to get one like 3 updates later, Britain getting copy paste scraps yet again, etc

The duality of man


US mains always complain about something, should be generally happy for Britain to get something out of this update

Well, thats the thing, Australia is not a British subtree, as we’ve been told again and again

Yep… I think it either needs to be done on a missile by missile basis (that way you can in theory learn how to counter certain threats without having to guess what BR bracket you are in and thus what MP height it is)


Leave it at a low standard height (like 40-50m) except for Sim, where its 0.

Id like the realistic MP, at least for Sim, but I think a safety blanket is needed, especially for the all premium and now SQVs appearing at top tier that have to deal with fox 3s

jf17should get c701

PL-5EII’s still need irccm

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If we had maps with more natural cover in ARB, there wouldn’t be a need for much multipathing in there either, but apparently only AAB is allowed to have such maps

Hmmm yes, that’s true.

Still, I think I’ve seen Smin state Aussie/Canada vehicles can go wherever the Snail wants them to go.

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Yeah, that is the other issue. They are also probably still too small and we could really do with at a minimum 2x AFs that people spawn at to spread the fight out over a wider battlefield

Anyone else think its lame they’re launching an AV-8B premium, when it could’ve been a perfect TT addition

And that’s where the Canadian Leos, the Abrams AIM and Gaijins statement about commonwealth tanks when they added the Bhishma come in again lol

I think it’s lame that the US are getting yet another strike jet pack premium

It’s mostly just that a part of the community sees some of the patterns, or lack of them, regarding vehicle additions and turn them into rules which vehicle additions have to follow.

Other parts of the community sees that those “rules” are just fantasy and is just more okay with wherever certain vehicles go.

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They got the F-20 recently

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Yeah, I think it’s a convoluted mess, and I don’t neccesarily agree with all the choices they’ve made over the years.

I think things would’ve been much better if they planned ahead more and laid out a set of coherent rules on TT placement from the start.

I can’t help but feel like they’re doing whatever suits them at the current moment, not thinking ahead.

KV-1B for instance was added to Germany years ago as a event vehicle, and now it’s blocked from going to the actual Finnish subtree because that’d ruin it’s “exclusivity”


I think rules restrict what can be added, and since the games growth is predicated on additions of vehicles

I dont think it matters necessarily who gets what, as long as its balanced and fair

F-20 is not a strike aircraft though. But honestly, the main reason for the AV-8B(NA) is so that people can pair it with the M1A1 Clickbait and M1A1 AIM because it’s 11.3.


Does that undo the A-10A, AV-8A and A-6E? lol