Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

The Multipathing effect should be further reduced the higher you get in BR, like have it at 100m still for the early PD radar BRs and gradually lower it the further you get along the technological advancements.

Optimally multipathing height and effect should be done on a radar to radar/missile to missile basis, but that may be too much work.


That would definitely be a good solution

is it just me or are spaas no longer able to lock onto missiles in both dev and live

Odly specifc question i know but how does this relate with the Supermarine Type 545 as its 100% confirmed it had finished construction and unconfirmed reports they flight tested it off the record?

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Yeah since ARB EC would be leaning into the more accessible direction, it makes sense to leave IFF and recognition out of it. That’s what we have ASB for after all

Only problem I see with that is the +/- 1 BR. If it changes by BR, does it change match to match even in the same aircraft? or is per aircraft? (so everything in the lobby has a different MP height)

Per bracket probably would be the easiest solution

Yep, hard enough to deal with people in the F4S that have no idea what IFF is who attempt to play sim. Cant imagine dealing with it in RB.

I already pitty the Redfor team with this JF-17… Gunna be a LOT of TKs

Yes, this is exactly what I was a little confused about. Multipath depend on specific radar is ultimately the most correct way, and in-line with the WT design philosophy so to speak

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@KhorneFlakez1337 oh BTW as we’re getting more and more advanced radars the multipath safety area will gradually diminish and at some point dissapear.

To make ARH not too dominant (a kill button) at these tiers Electronic warfare and jamming will be instrumental, I think.

Well, sadly according to Gaijin their current implementation of multipathing is basically just an invisible blanket at a certain height that has nothing to do with radars or missiles

Proper ECM and ECW should have been added a long time ago imo, but Gaijin seems to have other plans

I’m huffing some of that hopium RN in anticipation of a future update centered on SEAD, introducing ARM (anti-radiation missile) and EW for the first time.

Featuring Tornado ECR, EA-18 Growler among others

I think I’ve stated my opinion on HARMs enough by now, but until they introduce better SAMs for all nations those really shouldn’t be a thing in WT

Sure. I think at some point we’re gonna have to move beyond the “must be self-contained” limitation on SPAA systems. So we can receive powerful enough SAMs to warrant ARM and SEAD additions in response to that.

I think it’d be really cool to see CAS in GRB start much further away from battlefield and require them to start defending/jamming much earlier to penetrate the long range SAMs, before they finally reach the SHORADs.

That way if I was killed by CAS maybe I feel the kill was more “earned”, since they’ve had to sweat a while to actually reach me :P


For me, F-15E and F-15EX launch JDAM & LJDAM

Its not on the radar, its on the missile. IRL, the only missiles affected by MP were the early ones. For example Skyflash (not even SuperTEMP) min alt is from its prox fuse triggering on the ground and not because of MP.

Its a set alt that gaijin made up for these missile. I suspect if nothing changes, Even a Meteor fired by a Typhoon FGR4 With Captor-E would still slam into the ground if a target was flying at 40m.

But yes, ECM would be the next step after they flush out MAWS and Assymetrical CM pods

I love this Patrick meme template for this EXACT reason, it’s funny af.


I mean, with the current setup there isn’t even a difference between missiles that had inverse-monopulse seekers IRL and those that didn’t

what are people coping about in reference to aardvark?

Had better give them the F-22 to make them happy :D