Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

You should also know that this is only an unofficial leak, and there is no official news about the car, besides, the car is not really strong.

So maybe we see it in october update

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is there a chance that mirage 2000 5f will get its HMD fully modelled since helis are getting their topowl and mirage 2000 5f doesnt have it modelled yet?
for me it seems kinda sad that m2k 5f is in game longer then stuff like gripen c yet it will get its full hmd last, but its just my opinion
For the record i know that the heli and mirage/rafale topsight’s are different irl, but atleast for a while we could use the heli one on m2k5f as a placeholder when the real thing comes?


@Smin1080p_WT is this a bug?

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thats not a bug, the middle gunpud on su24m is slevable to the TGP, and it will work like guns on helis when sleved.


i know it is, one guy is saying it doesnr work for him

free aimbot lol

it isnt -.-

it isnt as accurate as you would think tbh

Sooo which so u think may come first? (presumably in december) the f/a-18 or the f-15e? Methinks the f/a-18 since it was leaked and is probably almost ready to come out and the f-15e can hang back awhile with the su-34

You know, I wasn’t expecting to see a premium AV-8B Night Attack Harrier II this update, but I’m kinda glad we at least have it in-game finally (it should’ve been added back when the GR.7 was lol)

I guess we’re very slowly making our way through the Gulf War era now…

Legacy Hornets, with the F-15E and F-14D coming some time in 2025
I could even see the F-117 and maybe even the F-4G or a late F-4E come then as well

Oh my god she is beautiful.

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Will there really be a f-14d? Considering it never got operational and we are on the verge of the f/a-18s already

F-14Ds were absolutely operational
That was the final Tomcat model, which had the APG-71 radar

It used bombs I remember that. Because I was looking forward to use depth charges with it but it didn’t have any.


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My bad, used to recall that they were never fully operational and looking it up now i see that they were! Overlapped service with the super hornets too

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only thing that F-14D didnt got operational - AMRAAMS on it, but by SAC it was included. so, by documents it is, but actually didnt, because USN considered some software updates(fine in game, like MiG-29 9-13 got 27ER in same way) and rails too expensive.


Damn the new Gripen HMD looks good. It gets radar symbology for locked targets. Hopefully we get the same for other HMD’s. Pretty sure with the fully modelled HMD’s we already have the F-16C and F-15C could see locked radar targets with it also.