Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Try to change quality to low, it’s helped me.

There is also the battlecruiser Amagi, the French destroyer Mogador (finally) and the British River in the French branch. + another funny gunpowder “arras” in the French branch

Sad no Mi 24 Super hind mk5 as of yet

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Hindsight gives 20/20 vision.

Not sure what the (NA) stood for. Figured it was an ambigious Gaijin thing like early or late, or some kind of squadron thing. I noticed it still had the black nose cone so thought, why not ask the people that know it a bit better 🤷‍♂️

If i knew it meant “Night Attack”, then yeah, it would’ve been a simple google search. But I didn’t, so it wasn’t.

Would be a shame of the change did not came with SPAA SP cost, but was kept on the TD cost, right?


I wouldn’t mind ADATS cost to stay the same if it stays 11.7 and Tor/Roland go 12.0/12.3, Pantsir go 12.7, this also helps with CAS decompression.

There is no point in playing German vehicles in the next update, especially if you have already researched everything. Unless you go back to WW2 vehicles.

JDAM bombs could give the Tornado a second life, but it seems it can’t use them.

eh the Germans use GBU-54 LJDAM on their Tornados since 2008

just if they did with ASSTA 1 standard Tornados I don’t know

edit: corrections

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According to the information I found, Tornado ASSTA-1 did not use JDAM.

the problem with this is that the ASSTA upgrades are… well

Avionics System Software Tornado (in the) Ada (Language)

not really that much of a change after the first

ASSTA-1 added GPS/INS navigation and the ability to use HARM III, Komoran II, Litening II and by extension Paveways

oh and a Jammer but we don’t have ECM yet

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You dont want BOL pods they are next to useless.
The chaff and flares are so nerfed

Yep, though it’s also worth noting that depending on how late the missile actually gets a lock after launch the target has an increased window to evade the seekers FOV.
It would really help to reactivate lead calculation for it to allow for more favorable launches, but even then it’d be a lot more skill based than getting the lock first.

Most of these aren’t bugs, but features not in game.
No missile has self search function to use after launched without lock yet, there are no mechanics for optical image guodance, there is no ground launched ARH missiles and I’m not even sure if PESA radar is in game yet. So for these we are sadly bound to when Gaijin decides to add these features to the game

The only one I can see being changed is SAM-1C missile range, but since the seeker can’t lock nearly that far out it’s only really useful with self search mechanics added.

Can categorically say now while the US F-15C can carry bombs and JDAMs it never did.
They shouldnt get them save the F-15 JDAMS for the F-15E

Arras is definitely an odd duck, to be sure



Was anything interesting said in the Russian stream, or was it just BvvD spending 45 minutes on the Su-24M and Afghan Shilka?

the f111c should be able to carry gbu15 same to the f111f,Please stop the apocalypse on the British Tech Tree vehicles.
The same data also shows that it can carry.agm142

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@Smin1080p_WT Anything to be added for Germany to help out the German tree, we already having Chinese “Eurofighter” and not the Eurofighter itself? And the Boxer for Germany wasn’t seen in yesterday preview live, will it come and perhaps variant?


j10 has nothing to do with typhoon


Ok, but what about the Boxer though? Leaks said it will be added for Germany but not any specific info.