Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

yee, but if the precedent is anything to go by, it will probably be SACLOS. Maybe MCLOS, but point stands.

could be an M42 duster lol, the UK is in a similar spot with the Bosvark being the best aa until the falcon which again like the AMX30DCA is only at its BR because of its ground to ground abilities. In reality it should be like 7.3 with the new shilka with only 2 unguided 30mms

Would’ve been good if the DCA was not raised to 8.7. It is inferior for AA purpose compare to Gepards to start with.

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MMMhhh, yeah, “Mistrals”.

Anyway, AMX 30 DCA is not at all the only DCA platform.

  • The model in game is the AMX 30 S DCA (Saudi Arabia). I believe name fix will come soon. It’s engine HP is wrong and should also be corrected
  • AMX 30 B DCA. French variant. Exact stats of the one in game but with slightly different hull models IRL
  • AMX 13 DCA (with radar)
  • AMX 13 DCA (without radar).

The last 2 could be very good to fill the gap between AMX 10P and AMX 30 (S) DCA. Just remove the AP belt of the one without radar to make it better for a BR of 7.3-7.7 it could totally fill the gap


The mast can be raised


yeah the armor is nice

I have to say though, i’m biased towards speedy boats

UK kinda suffers too but at least there’s ZA35 and marksman

Oh, forgot to ask yesterday, what line of the Russian tech tree will the Su-24 be at? I’d assume either the Su-17 line or the MiG-27 line.

I’d personally place my bets on the SU-17 line,

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Ye, cant wait to get my fencer

Hopefully mig 27 line but moat likely su 17

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sint the AMX13 DCA not in game already?

True, though I will forever say the Marksman is worthless given how utterly unreliable the radar is. The box bounces around the aircraft you’re locked (apparently that’s intended) and so the lead indicator is pretty naff against helis.

ZA-35 is pretty gamer, shame all the radars are bugged doing 442 degree rotations or daft stuff like that

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I’ve been waiting for ages, but didn’t grind Russia, because I wanted some Japanese Tech.

Issue is fitting it behind the Su-27 will be awkward.

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probably indeed.

Although i’m a bit confused when it comes to the point you are trying to make. You mean despite the missiles being smaller and with less explosive it will still be possible to snipe ammoracks ?

So i see the Puma also gets a flat trajectory launcher that proved to be a performance enhancer in case of the Israeli Namer on closer ranges.
Meanwhile, the KF-41 Lynx’s launcher is STILL NOT FIXED, as it’s an adjustable launcher that is- thanks to Gaijin- stuck looking upwards.

The Spike is also still NOT a top attack missile in-game, instead its a high-angle horizontal attack missile.

About time to fix these.

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Not the one with a 40mm BOFOR, but the one with the AMX 30 DCA turret



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That’s what I’ve been waiting for, the amx13DCA with dual 30mm.
As the radar variant is available in war game RD.
The last time there’s rumors about an Amx 13 DCA but it turns out to be 4×Browning version which made me so mad lol

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My issue (not with the vessel itself, I’m all for adding missile boats) is the fact you’ve got one and (childish as it sounds) I haven’t lmao

Bruh they showed the SEPV2, i really hoped they fixed the turret ring but nah.
disappearing emoji - Imgflip


kinda feel that it should and can be raised higher to be honest. looking at the overlapped mast