Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

you cant look at the marksman and say that lmao, its one of the worst guided SPAAs in game lol, the ZA35 is at least good, shame we go from 8.7 to 10.0, at least there is hope the Stormer AD might go down to at least 9.7 similar to the Gepard A2 (which has better mobility, better radar or similar and more ready Stingers btw)

fair the one with out a radar would be a decent 7.7


Italy really has the top addition of this update. It’s literally so lazy that it’s funny again

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Well, I’m pleased to see they’ve done the work on that front, the early tiers are quite satisfying. Only neatpick I would have is the VTB 13 having 2 x 7.7mm, it should have gotten one 13.2mm. But still, it’s quite good.

Sweden would intensely burn everyone alive with the RBS-15

It was shown in mig-27 line

The Su-27SM gets duel racks for R-77 now???

I question if the DCA’s radar is better off, if you are talking about inconsistent trackon and the potential to lock on to a different aircraft if the 2 are just slightly close to each other.

? no?

12 missiles on the Su-27SM will be so funny lmao

Good to know, I’m not massively interested in the Su-27 anyway.

Yes it does

regarding Great Britain ?

Well in all honestly, i wouldn’t be too happy either if i was in your situation, so i get what you mean

oh come on

The Russian treatement as always.

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Or if being fair something like 8.0 since that’s where the falcon is at. Or have them both down to 7.7 since the Falcon is underperforming.

As long as the radar is still garbage and can only datalink 2 missiles at once I’m not sure this even matters

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I’d say the DCA is worst as an anti air tho. The Marksman ballistic of the gun is much better than the DCA, so the DCA does not hit shit above 1.5km either, and the radar isn’t very good still

Same. I thought the oriken 30mm is not that bad until I played Gepard lol.
It’s pretty much laser gun in comparison

SU-27 does not get “double racks” for R77. It just shows the R77s under the fuselage. Nothing changed.