Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Can we French get some AA too (quietly speaking)

imagine boford or 20mm autocannon for8.3 line up. That’s French.


top speed hurts just by watching it though

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No new SPAA for an entire update now.

Ahem… Ahem, that’s heresy for another nation to have a better SPAA than Russia Comrade.

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Have to make sure they are not too good. Gaijin making sure French low tiers are worse than other nations, as always


Im guessing its more ocmplicated, especially with the gaijin spaghetti code than you would think.

Plus you also have the balance issue of the sheer range of those systems. Pantsir is OP , but only has a range of about 16km.

On a low end, a lot of the western radar guided SAMs are more like 50km

We oculd get stuff like the Supacat HVM that fires ASRAAM, that is a 16km range

Devstream no AGM-130 on F-111C (RAAF) and F-111F (USAF) loadout

But I don’t know gaijin add AGM-130 on dev server for this major update or delay to major update in late october

dont you guys not have a pretty good spread? only lack I can think of is between the AMX30 DCA and the AMX10P which isnt even that bad compared to some nations


They weren’t talking about top spaa.

This is actually a not too bad update so far. The premiums at the very least ( while i hate not having P16 and AV-8BNA as tech tree) aren’t the majority of the patch and no new meta defining/ breaking top tier stuff. Hell, there’s little of it and now China and Israeli tree get to have something that isn’t half bad at top tier.

Wowza this patch is actually somewhat better than the last MAJOR major

images - 2024-08-31T002500.302

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6.0-8.3 7.7 could get something but my 10p is pretty solid, really just lacking in the gun elavation department since it only has like 66°

I want to make a bet…

These GPS guided bombs will have a bug where they track a laser.

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damn, no ICV, the other thing for japan is a PT-802 costal boat with the BR of 2.0. Thanks snail

That’s exactly the best br for French so it’s very unfortunate, Also, the 30DCA is only 8.7 because of its A2G capability, so it’s quite inadequate at that BR.
There’s also a gap between it and the Roland.

the sanatal with Mistrals

also most nations are stuck with 20mm auto cannons between 5.0 ish and 7.7 and on

Nevermind I forgot it existed.
So he problem is really me trying to hit saab 105 with my Amx10P

As long as It can make harder to use CAS everything Is welcome
Also i think Is more of laziness from gaijin than actually want to balance the game

i’ll test and see before making an opinion. For now it does not seem as bad as blue water on release, despite its relatively small size. The guns seems meh, but it will also depend on the torpedoes capabilities.

Side question, and sorry for the ping @Smin1080p_WT, but do you know if there’s any rumors regarding the SS12 which should equip la combattante instead of SS11 ? Thx in advance


Not really surprising for that kind of ships, for sure. Well, the armor is there to tank.