Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

weakness are the reason for wars. choose good ones next time

who asked ?

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Probably the same ones who brigade every American/Abrams-related thread on the Forums.


Yeah I mean J10A is not even particularly powerful to start with…

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Found the russian main.


The ru stream is pointless to watch if what you care about is seeing the new vehicles. It’s just bvvd test-driving russian vehicles for 50 minutes before quickly scrolling past every other nation in the last 5 minutes of the stream.


10/10 user name

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Its whatever. Let them be children if they really need to

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Looks wierd

GR.7 would’ve been prime imo but there we are.

Also what’s this I’m hearing about a French Boat getting missiles?

That’s usual thing

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Yours too, i really like Anne in that movie with De Niro

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probably because their threads get brigaded by the one’s from American related threads screaming “YoU dOn’T nEeD tHiS” and “ThIs WoUlD bE oVeRpOwErEd” while being something we literally already have in game in the US tt or that would counter the thing in the US tt

top costal gets 4xSS11s

@Smin1080p_WT can you say if the Puma S1/VJTF got some issues of the current Puma fixed?


SACLOS I take it?

Yeah… Just hoping for Harrier Gr5 eventually, maybe we’ll get a usable Harrier II again

thier top boat gets 4 SS.11s so not great at least compared to things like Bravy


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Hey I’m all for it… just a shame that Britain hasn’t had its own yet… County Class DD be sad