Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I think he means in Air RB and SB

Gotta outsource to the community now lmao

over BRed for air modes, especially air sim with no radar*

F111c currently has AIM-9L, they should be AIM-9M.

“… The AIM-9M is the RAAF’s standard dogfight AAM, carried by the F/A-18 and F-111.”

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I just need something to grind China, J7D is not very convincing lmao
Also, I am curious that the stats of pl5E2 is not final right? Don’t tell me it’s without IRCCM once again.

Britain tax

So should the Tornado Gr1 and Tornado F3 (early)

Loadouts are always balancing thing

and thats what screwed the Gr7

would rather it keeps just 9Ls so it stays at a low ish BR

So we get 6 mid mobiles (Stormer, Shilka, Tiran, RCV, KV-1A, Puma S1), half of the cool tanks are premium/squadron and air gets like 5 new CAS planes. Swiss subtree is also a single premium. What an insane update

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Is 11.7 even low ish tho?

missles are used as balancing tool

If they cant even get the armor of the normal puma right, they wont be able to get the armor of the PUMA VJTF right

It’s gonna be wild if they omit the IRCCM on the 5EII and refuse to add the PL8B, woohoo top tier with no IRCCM

I think this was the third disappointing update for Germany


when the top br is 13.7 yeah it is lol


Gr7 with 4x Aim-9m is 12.3. F-111C with 6x Aim-9M would easily be 12.7

The F-111F with AIM-9M would however be 11.7


Of course, that would only be fair for the US