Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

100% agree with you except the forgiveness part, total missed opportunity imo and will not apologise for it. Also not the end of the world of course, will still be nice on discount.
J10 will prob not be shown before the teaser and JH7 might due to its lack of coolness.

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My exact feeling when someone posted a load out image for the JH7 vs JH7A here about 20k posts ago.


My bet is gonna be on amagi or jf 17 then



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Nah man it used to be Tuesday’s right? Mr I don’t have time to play boardgames with me.

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Hey @Smin1080p_WT .Good morning.

Should we be excited about some pre-order or pack for aviation?

You can thank the shitling filling up diapers for that.

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God morning everyone, looks like i can say now that i gave MatAWG Content for his video about the Osa beeing denied for this update(for russia) and also that my name appears in his video.

MOM look iam famous, get the camera out XD

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lmao idk how you can take me saying I hope it comes to both and Im glad it isnt an exclusive as not wanting germany to have a plane but eh keep coping if you wanna take it that way

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Wow. Can I get your signature?
…and last three digits of your credit card?

jk, atleast you got some credit. Most YTers just pass on information as their own.

Your statement has several logical holes that developers allow when introducing equipment that was not added to the country of origin (For example, Thor for China/but not for the USSR, or KF-41 for Italy/but not for Germany, or Leo 2 TVM-1 (STRV-122A) for Sweden/but not for Germany, and so on)…


likely during the testing phase for next gen IR AAM, ASRAAM was chosen


Call it by the older F-98 Falcon designation to increase the chances we get it.

The italians are begging for G.91/R3 amd french for amx13 105s as well

Sadly none of these are really comparable.

Thor is not one of the USSRs most “iconic” vehicles in the same way something like most of the T series are for them.

Similarly the KF-41 is not an “Iconic” vehicle for Germany as they don’t even operate it themselves. Hungary however do. Germany received it’s PUMA, which is actually in service with Germany, long before the KF-41.

As for the Leopards, there were already several Leopard 2s in the German tree at that stage.

The Hornet is an iconic American carrier aircraft that is well known globally and throughout many mediums as an iconic domestic aircraft much like the F-16 and F-15 that does not exist in game currently in any variant. There was never any possibility it was going to go to another nation first.

We have never said vehicles can’t be added outside of their created nations first. There are examples of this already in game including ones not on your list here. The Hornet is simply not on the same scale as the comparisons here.


All being worse in aspects then the strv122s
And then gajin gave sweden the 2a6 with finland which i still think was a massive mistake.
As a result even germanys best tank was given to another tree. Receiving the TVM which is pretty much a copy past strv122a could have been an easy thing


But Germany will be one of the first to receive the Eurofighter Typhoon? Without distribution to those who don’t need it? Right? Or is this also a machine of no significance for Germany?

you see, the rule that nations like russia get more vehicles because they have more options only applies to russia. Germany with tons of leopards dont get more leopard. Not even the ones who would fill holes (leo2A4 C-tech)


Bruh talk about being salty