They always try to keep the vehicles 1 step below the top.
They even artificially nerf vehicles in order to do so.
For example; M1A1 AIM is missing the historical KEW-A2 shell and Leopard 2PL is missing the historical DM63 shell, or at very least DM53; instead, they are artificially nerfed with KEW and DM43.
All so they are 11.3 instead of 11.7 (although honestly, 2PL could get DM53 and still be 11.3.)
It has everything every other 13.7 does and more in some cases. 4+ ARHs, 2+IRCCM IRs, good maneuverabilty and acceleration, modern rwr, modern radar, MAWS, thermal TGP, LGBs, L-AGMs. The only slight you can find is “low top speed” lmao ok bud