Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

No, don’t do this, I need a TT Silver IFV lol

The F-4F ICE has better radar missiles and a better radar than the Su-27SM, but that doesn’t change the fact that the former is worse. Don’t act like you don’t know what my point is when you very obviously do.


Its a singular addition not part of the coming line

Most likely gonna be a premium

There can’t be a BeNeLux line, so we can’t say with any certainty.

Im suprised people can even be made at this update
this update is 75% of everything we ever needed. Screw the f-16.

i’m coping very hard for them to create a new branch for dutch vehicles right now

otherwise this tree is going to become a mess

Yes, im saying your point is wrong. Shocker


And that is incorrect.

I prefer this over most domestic ones to be honest hahah

I just hope the grind for it is not too big (will it be filling the light line, or be in a whole new su tree? We will see).

I think they’ll make it 13.3 because they don’t like having squadron vehicles at the absolute top BRs, or at least they really used to hate that.

That’s what I think, also.

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I say squadron which means the grind is long but passive

There is no rule against top BR squadron vehicles, like there is for premiums

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btw Britain can get indian Mirage

eh still dont belive itll be 13.7, speed will be its main problem

How about we just let Britain be Britain and France be France?

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Cool, thanks!

Yet they have never, since the introduction of squadron vehicles, had a squadron vehicle at the absolute top BR. Even when there were vehicles that could easily be.

There is no rule regarding that, but that doesn’t change that Gaijin seems to seriously dislike the idea. They don’t want people to be able to buy a truely top BR vehicle.

What if the J-10 gets released as a 14.0 tho?

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