Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

“Shell shattered”

to be fair it was the Most efficent Steel helmet design

Looks like we are getting the armored CV9035, which is nice, the French main finally got their first IFV, although not domestically made lmao

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U csn still show them off on all possible vehicles, no need to do it exclusively on russian ones

And a better Radar and ARH than any flanker or fulcrum

I’m curious as to what its BR will be. It’s not as good as things like the F-16C and F-15C, so 13.7 doesn’t make sense, but it’s better than the F-4F ICE and Tornado F.3 AOP, so 13.3 doesn’t either.

eh id wait and see what its actually like
Mach 1.6 at optimal altitude sounds slow for top tier

don’t wake them up

It is just as good as F-16C

13.0, we are entering a new era of bias, the china bias

eh I guess 13.3

but we will have to wait, until like what this evening?

It’s slower and has worse overall slight performance.

12.0, then.

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Does the VBCI-2 just not exist anymore lol

The cv is most likely gonna end up as a premium as well

the next update is exactly what we needed
china is no longer copy and paste and we got some really great fighter jets(J-10, JF-17, A-10C and su-24).
Kinda mad JF-17 is not tech tree but whatever
We only need eurofighter typhoon, j-15, su-30, j-16 and su-35 and we no longer need to update.

With better radar, RWR, and missiles than the 13.7 flankers. Your point?

Roger that

My current best aircraft to use in my chinese top tier ground lineup is the J-7D, so it will at least be an upgrade.

I just can’t be bothered to play air RB to grind any more tech trees, I just get bored after like 2-3 games. So it’s also my only option.

any idea if Jeff can carry the ARH on both wing pylons or only the outer ones?
because the twin rails could make it take 8 if the inner pylons can use em too