Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Better radar and flight performance but same kit

In flight performance, but worse in weaponry.

Somewhat better flight performance with similar weaponry.

Aside from it’s far superior flight model, it’s also likely going to bring new missiles.

because the other big thing all those aforementioned planes are known for, is new missiles namely new IR missiles that would break this game.

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Why would it? The early Typhoons just used AIM-9M and AIM-9L/I’s.

Most nations will get the exact same missiles if not equivalents

Radar could be mitigated with another F-15 variant or upgading the F-15Cs radar. Better in a dogfight, but then thats little different from F-16 vs Tornado F3

that’s not strictly true especially in regards to Britain, Germany, America, France, China, Russia

Italy, Sweden would share missiles with someone

but everyone else would get new things

Aim-9M and Aim-9Li are gamebreaking missiles?

All will likely get 120C-5

He probably thinks that it’ll come with IRIS-Ts and ASRAAMs.

Possibly, not likely.

and Meteor

I’m sorry but source? As Canada never had the Aardvark. Much less bought new Aircraft in the 70s.

And “CF-111” was the original name of the Canada Starfighters before it was changed to CF-104.

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Actually I think its fairly reasonable the Typhoons might not. Leave them with Aim-120Bs and give the BVR trucks Aim-120Cs like the F-15

In the event new missiles are added it’s likely to be a new amraam over asraam and such is what I’m saying

Ah, I see.

December, we hope…

In the case of F-2, it should be pretty balanced (keep in mind AESA is already modeled in game on the ASRAD-R).


Especially because ussr or Russia has an equivalent to be added with a newer amraam whereas Russia themselves have no equivalent to asraam


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it’s pod has no thermal, I remember. limiting it’s agm-65.

it’s 11.7 br’s normal standard, thermal pod, lgbs,tv missiles, if you want ir missiles, go higher or pay something. jh-7a is a goof one, but only tv missile and lgbs. I think f-111 will be good with agm130 and lgbs, too.
and to be honest, I don’t think it’s resonable for Kurnass 2000 staying at current br, same as Israel ah-64 with 16 spike but lower than others