Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

has flashbacks to the time the F-104S only had 9Bs and AIM-7Es while a being top tier

Dark times.


What other GPS-guided bombs are there like the KAB-500s?

JDAM or late GBU-24

Any JDAM, which i think are higly likely to come next update along side the 500S

About damn time.

The yappening…

Just hoping every nations that had them, gets them and it doesnt end up like Napalm where it was a limited few

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Looking forward to all your cool new skins again. Keep up the good work.

f-111c finally lets go

im not surprised people coping about the subtree for germany but straight up saying for russia cuz uuh yes its really something

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I am very much very sad that the first true tech tree IFV that France is going to get is not a French design, considering France’s history with these vehicles.
It would be like having Germany getting IS3s as their main heavy tank instead of the tigers.
Or the US getting migs and sukhois instead of f16s and company.

Well, if the CV90 isn’t even a premium to begin with (which would not surprise me)


VonMarder is… interesting… he’s a big ol ball of very incorrect very not smart takes regarding germany.

Oh I am sorry, why would russia not need a subtree to fill in the gaps and lack of peer technology? What did I miss here?

Jesus christ.

Why hello : )

Russia is behind tech wise but they have things to fill their gaps still.

Germany straight up has nothing to fill the gap

Correction, the CV90 you chose is not the version in the trailer. Rather you got the same base MK III model from denmark

Please Identify a Top tier fighter and a top tier CAS option, ideally multirole to plug the gap between the F4F ICE / Tornado ASSTA3.1 and the Typhoon?

I think you mean after update Alpah Premium strike lmao

hopes and dreams

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