Even worse, that means it’s going to be a 9.7 vehicle max. So it won’t help bridging the 9.7-11.7 gap.
And Smin is going to tell us “much but you can bring it to top tier it’s fine”. Like. Why do we have to up tier our vehicles 2 whole BRs so not be stuck with the Leclerc ?
To be honest. With how badly balanced / compressed top tier ground is at the moment. I just consider top tier to be 10.3 and just forget that the 11.3/11.7 stuff even exists (at least for Britain)
Yeah, 10.3. It’s a battle ranking at which I can very much think of a French lineup. Very smart indeed
Im gonna yank the bandaid off but this may help.
The Danish Cv9035 currently in the game is still missing AHEAD even though the programmer is on the barrel. It cant locl aircraft despite sources claiming the new sights can, its missing its LWR/DAS, dual belt feed system, and the Mexas armor plates. If the Dutch cv9035 is copy pasted it will not only be missing the same items as the Danish version but it will also be missing the additional thing the dutch did to it if its supposed to be an upgraded version.
Fair enough, I know bugger all about ground for the most part. Not really a part of the game I play much off. I rarely look at other nations. So just figured they had at least a half useable 10/10.3 set of vehicles
tbh the 9035 will be fine if it, the vextra, and AMX-40 all went to rank 7. As it currently stands, the rank 7 wall is not only illogical but it is absolutely crippling to french progression.
Technically the Dutch one use different optics. And french ones at that ! (Literally the only difference will be the 3rd gen optic thanks to that lol).
But yeah, I know what to expect already. A good vehicle on papier, but gets shafted because the devs are to afraid to make it realistic (VEXTRA 105 moment)
Literally all cv90s are that way. Except the 40s have good damage occasionally, their mobility sucks which is whyni want the CV90 MK IV with the 50mm gun and 1000hp engine
Still you gotta play the worst cv90, the FIN. God if you dont like the gun on the VBCI then youll hate the fin.
there was no US 111C afaik and the Australian one is pretty diffrent
Well, you have the AMX 40 with its anemic unrealistic armor, the vextra 105 with its anemic unrealistic round and barely modeled correctly, and the Roland, a French system that is worse than all other Roland systems found in other tech trees, for some reason. None of the, are really enjoyable even at their 9.7 br (since the uptiers at 10.3-10.7 are the norm), and even worse at 10.0+ since uptiers to 11.0 and 11.3 are still very common and a death sentence for an enjoyable game
What :sob:
Could play the Type 16 (P) with 272 pen with no spalling lol. 9.3 with t72 level turret traverse.
Right then lads, someone give me a run down on what I’ve missed and why RB28 ain’t in the god damn game yet
Smin told me if i ping him i get banned does that count?
Ooof poor guy
German mains mad about getting Switzerland after asking for Switzerland for ages
US mains mad that the UK is likely going to get RAAF F-111C
Smin mad about people asking too many question about bug reports and poor decisions on what was added and when
Well that’s unfortunate
Not gonna go into details but its something to do with the poor implementation of a subtree
Alright fair enough