Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Japan has far fewer options in some areas like premiums without taking away domestic options.

Plus the Japanese P-51 was a popular suggestion on the old forum.

The UK tree also has the Mustang Mk I :)

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Which country was among the first to receive the F-16? China.

Leave me be i need to somehow justify kf41, amx 13 105 and the G.91R/3 complained xD


I don’t get your point here. America got it too here in the same update.

We would never have added an F-16 to another nation before America.

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Still wasn’t as famous as our P-40s :P

Doesn’t hurt to ask. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Well you can always make a suggestion topic and collect community support for the idea.

But let’s please try to stay on topic here.

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Yeah, the only ones to get screwed that patch were Germany, UK and sweden.
Everyone else got good aircraft.
Sadly UK and sweden iptions where still to strong…
Germanys … yeah no comment

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oops a wild Python appeared

I still want Di tho as it had cooler camos and small visual difference from the regular D version. Personally I think Gaijin should introduce JA37Di with Rb99 in a folder with JA37D so people could enjoy both low BR and high BR version.


Were they really? Gripen C and A would’ve been perfectly fine if introduced without HMD, AIM-9M and laser guided munitions.

Depends if we are talking about pre or post buff F-16A/MiG-29 and pre or post nerf JAS39.

Will say I do hope the F18 comes but I am glad to hear it wont be exclusive to germany thank god

there was never evidence that it will be exclusive in the first place. It was just made up by the community

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Im talking from todays perspective

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does germany receive another plane this update?

it was only shown on the leak list for germany so uh I think it was kinda implied lol, but either way happy to see it wont be exclusive

that wasnt the only case a plane was shown on a leak list for only one nation just to get added to more + the case with the osa aswell.

Not even mentioning the “might be delayed” text

People talked themself into it.

I said right from the beginning that US will receive it at the same time so swiss F-18 is probably delayed if the american version doesnt finish

Are you glad to see that Germany will remain an outsider?

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Totally agree. Sweden is the ideal country for going into detail which exact variant of an aircraft you can pick since there are far fewer domestic options than other countries.
I also think Mike asking for a Di should be added to the next bingo card.