Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Given it has KAB-500S i would wager its a fairly late one.

Loadouts are always a balancing thing. Torando F3 recieved ASRAAM at the same time as AMRAAM. Technically the F3 Late should have ASRAAM not Aim-9M.

Same is true for quite a few other aircraft.

Either that or its a mistake that needs to be bug reported, but if the AAM is unreasonble for the BR placement, then it might be an alternative. Will probably be explained in the dev stream if it is

Sweet. Looking forward to hunting them in SB then. Will be at a good hunting BR (providing they dont get chronically under BRed compared to the Tornados)

Su-24M2, according to a friend
The main giveaway is that it uses KAB-500S, which are were added to the Su-24 with the M2 version

More than anything else, I just want to know what’s happening with Chinese air, about if it’ll be split into five lines so all the PRC jets aren’t crammed into one line or not.

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What AAMs did that have?

No idea

Jsut hoping its not like 11.0 with 2x R-73s or some BS like that

Don’t put it past Gaijibbles.

ASSUMING THE LEAK IS TRUE and there’s a 2nd J-10, I could see them starting a new branch at rank 8 as to avoid clogging the current fighter line

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It’s 100% going to be at least at this br
It has KAB-1500, KAB-500S and other guided missiles

Splitting it off so the current one is the “heavy” fighter line, with the J-8s and J-11s, and having a new one with the J-7s and J-10s being the “light” fighter line, would be lovely.

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With the Split BRs it could be 11.0 in air and 12.3 in ground or whatever is needed for balance.

But im mostly thinking that if the Tornado Gr1 is 11.7 then Id be pissed if it was better and at a lower BR with IRCCM missiles

Dont see them going higher than 11.0 or maybe 12.0 in air tbh.

Their best aams are they can get are R73 which while are decent are also going to be stuck on a solid pig of an airframe with no acess to HMD.

So i expect them to be similarly brd to the Tornado if not slightly higher.

If i remember corectly, it has only 2 light AAM hardpoints, so…

Yep, Great to see RAAF F-111s finally getting in ^^ have to see where it ends up tho

We have a Technical Moderator that actually worked on all of the F-111s at Amberley, so he will be over joyed to see them finally ^^

F/RF-111C AUP, A8-129

And her during retirement at Amberley



The PL-5B is nicknamed “Minecraft arrow” among it’s users for it’s ridiculously quick acceleration off-the-rail. It rapidly catches up to the enemy giving very little time to react

Nice. Though if it is 11.7 with 2x R-73s might start making the fight for Aim-9Li or Aim-9M for the TT tornados at 11.7. give them a reason to be a higher BR than the paid Tornados

the alternative is having the main fighter line go
J-11A → J-10A → J-11B → J-15A → J-10B → J-11BG → J-15B → J-10C → J-16 → J-35 → J-20

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