Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

If they get more cool stuff people will play them.
This is arguably Gaijins biggest weakness, they look at nations and go noone plays them so they add less.

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It was a joke. Most people I hung around don’t like playing it except me.


Kfir C.10 pls
I hope they didnt nerf the canard just to make this one as new prem.

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I know that but im just saying again they can make it look like it then not add everything it has you know? Besides the Danish are now upgrading to the D model turret.

My point again was that i dont want the Dutch CV9035’S to be improperly added like the danish one. I want it to have everything it should have and not be some made up vehicle like the current one in game.

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anyone knows the song that is played in the teaser?

Cool, an Aussie F-111! Premium for USA i guess?

That, or squadron

my condolences :D


So yea dev stream tomorrow for sure

I didn’t see a F-111K in there

The same way you use GBU-24s with the laser off.

Aussie F-111C for the UK gonna be a real nice addition.


Most likely yeah.

based on the implementation of every other cv90, and pretty much every other Swedish vehicle… it’s really up to if gaijin feels generous or not

bruh, they didn’t even add it to the correct tree.

Should be in the German tree since it’s integrated with the (Bundeswehr) 10th Panzer division and under Bundeswehr command.

We have literally nothing in common with the French nor do we even work together with them on a military level.


Ayo? That would be quite lovely not gonna lie.

Jesus @Smin1080p_WT plase ban him for trolling at this point

Its not

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idk, the INS does have drift so I imagine the GPS is gonna be more accurate but obviously with no post-drop guidance